Kristina Benson

Capture the pop; Credit: PHOTO BY WILLIAMS + HIRAKAWA

Foster the People

It was about 10:30 p.m. on a Monday night in February when I first heard of Foster the People, and 10:31 when I realized that they were going to be colossally, gigantically famous. At a tiny strip-mall bar in suburban Orange County, a line of kids who looked like they'd......
Thundercat; Credit: Photo courtesy of the artist

Interview: Thundercat, Brainfeeder's Bass Master General

Thundercat - Daylight by BRAINFEEDER When L.A.'s world-class beat/electronica crew Brainfeeder takes over the Fonda later this week, you'll spot one guy up there making music the (comparatively) old-fashioned way. Him with the extraterrestrial sense of style and supernatural ability on the bass? That's Thundercat, a.k.a. Steve Bruner, who you've......
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Do Music Lessons Make for Smarter Kids?

Looks like they do! The most recent issue of the peer-reviewed psychology journal "Advances in Cognitive Psychology" contains a study examining the link between intelligence and music. The researchers asked the parents of 194 boys about their musical activities since preschool, and looked at the boys' reading and spelling performance......
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R.I.P. Gil Scott-Heron

Musician and writer Gil Scott-Heron passed away Friday afternoon in New York. He was 62. Gil Scott-Heron was born in Chicago, but reared in Jackson, Tennessee. He spent his teens in the Bronx and later received his Masters in Creative Writing from Johns Hopkins University. One of his earliest singles,......
Rhino's back!

Rhino Records Pop-Up Store Returns

Once upon a time, there were not one, but two physical Rhino Record stores in Westwood: The first was a 2,000 square foot space that opened in the late '70s and then transitioned into the "Blow-it-Outlet"--selling used and discontinued merchandise--upon the opening of the newer location. The newer location, which......