Doug Ireland

Scandalous! A Year of Republican Treachery

You could wait for the book, or check out the darkest shadows of the past 12 months right here: Duke of California In the Department of Plain Old-Fashioned Boodling, let’s start with California’s own Congressman Duke Cunningham, who tearfully pleaded guilty to taking $2.4 million in bribes from a defense......
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My Favorite Upstarts

ImpeachPAC was formed last summer by former AFL-CIO staffer David Swanson to raise money for Congressional candidates who support impeaching Bush for his lies that took us into an unnecessary war. But now that Bush has admitted he ordered spying on American citizens without seeking court orders — a crime......

Scandalous! A Year of Republican Treachery

You could wait for the book, or check out the darkest shadows of the past 12 months right here: Duke of California In the Department of Plain Old-Fashioned Boodling, let’s start with California’s own Congressman Duke Cunningham, who tearfully pleaded guilty to taking $2.4 million in bribes from a defense......

Impeaching Presidents — and Messengers

Illustration by Mr. FishWhen the U.S. Senate last Friday refused to renew the liberticidal Patriot Act — with its provisions for spying on Americans’ use of libraries and the Internet, among other Constitution- shredding activities — it was in part because that morning’s New York Times had revealed how Bush......

Alito the Hun

The don’t call Judge Samuel Alito “Scalito” (meaning “Little Scalia”) for nothing. In fact, it’s hard to imagine a more reactionary judge than Bush’s new nominee for the Supreme Court. Theocratic pit bull Gary Bauer, the dwarf former presidential candidate of the Christer hard right, crowed that the appointment of......

Closet Politics

When House Speaker Dennis Hastert announced on September 28 that California Congressman David Dreier — the powerful chair of the House Rules Committee and buddy of Governor Schwarzenegger, whose transition team he headed — would be his nominee to replace the indicted Tom DeLay, that should have made it a......

“Next Time, You’ll Be Executed”

Amir is a 22-year-old gay Iranian who was arrested by Iran’s morality police in a massive Internet entrapment campaign targeting gays. He was beaten and tortured while in custody, threatened with death, and lashed 100 times. He escaped from Iran in August, and is now in Turkey, where he awaits......

Trial by Bush

When a U.S. Disctrict Court ruled last week in favor of President Bush in the case of Jose Padilla — the only American imprisoned as an “enemy combatant” by presidential order — it struck a major blow at the Constitution, upholding actions by the administration that Supreme Court Justice John......

Shame of Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran is engaged in a major crackdown on gays and gay sex, including executions of those found guilty of engaging in “homosexual acts.” Homosexual acts are considered a capital crime in Iran. Iranians found guilty of gay lovemaking are given a choice of four death styles:......

Restoring Pasolini

Illustration by Mitch HandsoneOstia, the harbor city of ancient Rome, is noted for its ruins of temples, baths and palaces, constructed in the centuries before Christ, that dot its sprawling landscape. It was on a deserted vacant lot, hard by an obsolete seaplane base in Ostia just 20 miles from......