Daiana Feuer

Death Valley Girls; Credit: Minivan Photography

The Far Out Sounds of Death Valley Girls

Three girls wearing leather capes and a mysterious man appear in the parking lot shadows of a haunted, desolate desert dive bar, like bats swooping in from a hunt. Taking human shape as they approach, the full moon clarifies their silhouettes and a breeze sweeps long tangled hair from their......
All hail The King.; Credit: Music Digital via Amazon

Happy 81st Birthday, Elvis! Why The King Still Matters

At his best, Elvis Presley was a hip-thrusting, soft-lipped, snarling rock star who almost single-handedly corrupted 1950s youth culture with a perfect pompadour of black hair, long sideburns and a swinging pelvis. And he loved his mama. At his worst, he was a rhinestone-covered mumbling mess doing karate kicks on......
Credit: Timothy Norris

Justin Bieber – Staples Center – 6/24/13

Justin Bieber Staples Center 6/24/13 Better than... playing with Barbies. What does the Bieber key, an image looming on a giant screen over the audience of girls wearing matching outfits with their friends, signify? Before one could figure it out, the lights in the Staples Center went off and the......
Let me in your window oh oh oh!

Top 10 Reasons To Love Kate Bush

Kate Bush is one of the most important female musicians of all time. As an innovator and producer of her own sound, she's sort of like the female Prince. It's about the unitard. It's about her googly eyeballs and interpretative dance moves, her music videos, and her way with a......