Annette Stark

Media confusion reigned after Ali's conviction.; Credit: Ted Soqui

Throwing the Book at Najee Ali

THERE WAS LITTLE PRESS FANFARE when Najee Ali surrendered in court on August 18. Soon after that, the ex-Crips gang member turned grass-roots leader — loved and...

Fury Over Jamiel’s Law

Some will say it was just boastful adolescent behavior. Others will see Jamiel Shaw Jr. representing his set, the Rollin’ 20’s NHB, meaning Neighborhood Blood...
Photo by Max S. Gerber

Union Maids

MARIA ELENA DURAZO, THE REVERED PRESIDENT of UNITE HERE! Local 11, is one of the city’s best-known labor leaders, but there are plenty of other women activists in town. They may not enjoy Durazo’s name recognition, but they are taking charge at county union halls and their prominence in both......