Calendar: Friends and Family Interactive at the Los Angeles Museum of Love

November 13, 2020 - January 31, 2021

5-7 pm

Friends and Family Interactive provides a connection adventure for the special people in our lives.

The Los Angeles Museum of Love is a space built solely to inspire human connection and fun. Our holiday exhibit was designed to bring together different family generations (ages 10 and above) and offer creative, new experience for groups of friends. The building houses a wide range of original activities where connection is the key. You will be shipwrecked, create a totem, travel down memory lane in the time machine, play exquisite corpse, rehash 2020, annihilate negativity, solve a human maze and play a variety of other interpersonal games. The focus of this exhibit is happiness. Along with surprising adventures, you will create special art work that can be kept as special mementos and learn about the science of joy! The Los Angeles Museum of Love is one of the quirkiest places in Los Angeles- come enjoy something wholesome, technology free and refreshingly new.

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Event Location

4320 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90029

Event Fees

19.00 per person (allows a maximum 2 hour stay inside the museum)


All Ages

