This is perhaps the greatest street racket ever …

… until someone allegedly got caught.

Burbank police say 53-year-old Enrique Medrano was employed by a city contractor to handle graffiti removal.

Except that some of the graffiti was his own!

Yep. Cops allege the worker had done more than 100 “graffiti tags” in the city only to be paid to clean them up via his removal gig.

Says the Burbank Police Department:

Over the course of the investigation, Medrano was involved in applying over one hundred graffiti tags in the city, removing the same graffiti he applied, and subsequently submitting fraudulent billings to the city for work performed. The fraudulent billings totaled over $2,200.

Officers found Medrano on the job yesterday in Burbank and arrested him on suspicion of burglary, vandalism, and forgery, according to the department.

He posted bond was due in court Dec. 3, cops said.

[@dennisjromero / / @LAWeeklyNews]

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