The artist known as Loved to Death makes these fantastic (or fantastically creepy) dioramas. They feature taxidermied mice, pigeons, pheasants, and chipmunks.

Oh my, it's “Chipper the Ripper.” Can you guess what he does? See, told you squirrels are evil.

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And on that note, this is Miss Edie Borden, the “infamous Victorian squirrel killer.” Note that she is “making a chair using the bones of her victims.” Aww, so cute.

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This is Zoe Singer, the taxidermied pigeon. The artist's description is particularly hilarious. Zoe, apparently, drinks and plays the cello alone for the photo of her long dead grandmother. Who by the looks of things is a human, not a bird.

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This one is called “Chop Shop.” Best line from the artist's own description: “There is a meat case featuring all handmade meat.” The two little ceiling fans have lights that actually light up.

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This pheasant's name is Rich Wesson. Says the artist: “this distinguished pheasant displays his favorite rifle, which saved his life. On the wall hangs the painting of the cheetah that tried to get the best of him. It was painted from the last known photograph of the Cheetah alive.” Funny, I don't see a cheetah painting. Do you?

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This one's called “Bach's Parlour.” The gentleman mouse is enjoying a stereoview. The lady is “about to break into a jig.” Best thing? These taxidermy mice have their own taxidermy.

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