As Anthony Bourdain fans have known for months now, the No Reservations guy is in town to give a talk at UCLA tonight.

Bourdain has also been making the rounds, talking to Pat Morisson on KPCC this afternoon, during which time he heaped praise on local institutions In-N-Out, Philippe's and Jonathan Gold, revealed that yes, his cholesterol is under control (“most chefs I know are on cholesterol medication”) and elaborated on his love for food bloggers. “If you can't make fun of food bloggers,” Bourdain told Morisson, “comedy is pretty much dead.”

Bourdain is on tour for his latest book, Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook, which was published earlier this month from HarperCollins. If you couldn't get tickets, maybe you'll want to stake out the In-N-Out nearest Royce Hall later tonight. Or a KFC around 2 a.m., which has apparently been known to happen, given enough booze.

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