Oh boy. If you think The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is disgusting, have we got a show for you.

Well, actually, we don't. All we know is that this proposed Real Housewives poseur will focus on the relationships between the Westside's super rich and their help.

Let's just hope they don't install cameras at Arnold Schwarzenegger's house.

The producers put out a casting call for regular, everyday 1 percenters like yourself, so here's your chance to make your husband commit suicide get your 15 microseconds of fame.

Here's part of the casting call:

Producers are looking for exciting, fashionable residents of affluent Los Angeles neighborhoods AND their housekeepers for their own docu-series on a major, cable network.

No, we're not just looking for your average real housewives. This new show adds a fun twist to the lavish world of upscale television by featuring the relationships between the men and women of neighborhoods like Beverly Hills, Brentwood and Bel Air AND their house staff! If you have a fun, playful, dramatic or just entertaining relationship with your housekeeper, we want to feature you and your household on this fresh, new show.

Does this sound like the douchiest scenario ever? It might even be worse than ABC's high-fivin'-white-guys-dressed-as-girls sitcom Work It.

Yeah, we want to see 45-year-old rhinoplasty dolls speaking horrific Spanish to their underpaid, undocumented help. Look at Maria juggling two 90210 babies and a Whole Foods shopping list!


If only the producers would expand their search to San Diego, where sometime Mexican Mitt Romney owns a beachside home.

We'd love to see how he treats the staff. Some of them might be his cousins.

Anyway, here's the listing. Good luck.

[@dennisjromero / djromero@laweekly.com / @LAWeeklyNews]

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