See our previous story, “Pinterest Makes Me Feel Like I'm Bad at Being a Woman

Pinterest — the latest social media craze sweeping our laptop screens — can be many things to many people. As a virtual vision board on which you can bookmark little Internet finds that strike your fancy, it's your canvas. Whether you're into cooking, marathon-running or curating a man collection, there's a board for that. It's a little overwhelming, really. Hence, we haven't quite figured it out yet. But we're having fun trying.

Among the seemingly endless recipes, crafting instructions and home decor pins, something on Pinterest is bound to prick you. Here are the eight of most ridiculous head-scratchers we've found on Pinterest so far.

8. Sway Rocking Chair

Credit: Sway Rocking Chair by Markus Krauss

Credit: Sway Rocking Chair by Markus Krauss

Sort of cute, but reminiscent of the love toilet, no?

7. How to fold a fitted sheet

Credit: Via Stephmodo

Credit: Via Stephmodo

See, this is the kind of stuff we don't want to find. We'd rather live in a world where we can believe it's virtually impossible to fold a fitted sheet, and the only option you have is rolling it into a ball and throwing it in the linen closet.

6. Homemade Almond Joy

Credit: Via Sophistimom

Credit: Via Sophistimom

Why would you spend any amount of time making an Almond Joy? If we're going to home-make a dessert, it's not going to have the exact same flavors as something you can buy for a dollar anytime you're “feeling like a nut.”

5. Colorblind Mug

Credit: Via Bouf

Credit: Via Bouf

This is just rude. Way to make fun of someone else's disability. You think this little mug is so funny until you hand it to your father-in-law with a giggle, only to find out he actually is colorblind. You just got cut out of the will. Nice job.

4. Gypsy Barefoot Sandals

Credit: Via Wanelo

Credit: Via Wanelo

Look closely. These aren't sandals at all. There's no sole on the shoe. This is decorative footwear one sports while going barefoot. Take note, Coachella goers. Fake sandals may be the new headbands.

3. Outdoor Floating Bed

Credit: Via the floating bed

Credit: Via the floating bed

For when you just can't bear to slum it in a hammock.

2. Martha Stewart's Stovetop Mac and Cheese

Credit: Via

Credit: Via

What does this look like to you? Velveeta, right? The go-to hangover dish you can always count on to max out your vodka headache with dairy bloat. But no, this is a Martha Stewart stovetop mac and cheese recipe, made with a minced onion and dash of Worcestershire. When you're desperate to stuff yourself with cheese sauce, do you have energy for Worcestershire? We don't.

1. Coffee table style instructions

Credit: Via

Credit: Via

We don't always have something fresh in the fridge, let alone on the coffee table. Once again, we fail.

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