How Ravi Jagadish’s Leadership Approach Is Protecting the Fintech Sector

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The cybersecurity industry is growing at a rapid rate, and it’s in large part due to the increasing threat of cyberattacks. About 54% of U.S. companies reported that they have experienced a cyber attack in the past year, and with cybercriminals becoming bolder and their tools becoming increasingly sophisticated, the need for robust cybersecurity education is higher than ever.

Leading the fight against the rising tide of cybercrime, Ravi Jagadish is an expert in data engineering and cybersecurity, particularly within the banking sector. In his 19+ years of experience in protecting industries against cyberattacks, he’s come to rely on sophisticated mentorship and coaching strategies, believing that detailed knowledge and proper leadership are the first steps in protecting against cyber threats.

Learn more about Jagadish’s approach and the impact he’s made in the cybersecurity industry.

The Role of Education and Leadership in Cybersecurity

In 2021, the Colonial Pipeline was hit by a devastating ransomware attack that halted operations and inevitably increased the price of U.S. oil by as much as 18–21 cents per gallon in some regions. It was the largest cyberattack on the oil industry thus far, with the company having to pay its attackers a staggering $4.4 million in bitcoin in order to restore business operations.

This is just one example of a crippling cyberattack that could have been avoided with proper leadership. Ironically, Colonial Pipeline was seeking a cybersecurity manager prior to the attack, but the position wasn’t filled until months afterward.

But proper cybersecurity leadership doesn’t just mean having someone in the data center improving an organization’s infrastructure; it means having someone to champion the vital cause of security education throughout the entire company. These efforts are especially crucial in light of how much cybercriminals rely on human error. When 95% of successful attacks can be attributed to human error, there is no margin for error.

Experts like Jagadish know that these breaches can often be avoided with proper cybersecurity education, which is precisely why he says, “My personal ethos is underpinned by continuous learning and a commitment to mentorship, which has been both a personal and professional cornerstone throughout my career.”

Ravi Jagadish: Where Data Engineering Meets Robust Cybersecurity

Ravi Jagadish primarily works as a fintech data engineer, but his role often intersects with cybersecurity because data is so highly valued by cybercriminals. Thankfully, he has a keen interest in security, driven by its “fascinating intersection of problem-solving, innovation, and potential to have a meaningful impact on a large scale.”

His past work includes leading site reliability engineering for banking apps at a Fortune 500 fintech company. This project vastly surpassed the normal standard-level agreements in the industry and drastically improved how well the company could deal with damages in the wake of a cyber-attack. He’s also been pivotal in strengthening identity access management (IAM) protocols to make sure employees could only access the files they needed — ensuring that breaches were much less likely to occur.

Every day, he uses his expertise to protect confidential data against looming cyber threats, but he knows that the best way to defend against these threats is by engaging in continual learning and educating up-and-coming professionals. That’s why he considers his most important work to be training the next generation of cybersecurity experts.

A Multifaceted Approach to Training the Leaders of Tomorrow

The work Jagadish is most proud of is serving as a mentor and coach for his colleagues and the industry as a whole. He takes a multifaceted approach to inspiring others, which encompasses “direct mentorship, strategic project leadership, and a contribution to the collective understanding of security professionals through writing and research.”

This in-depth research takes Jagadish’s nearly 20 years of experience and condenses it into valuable treatises that aid young security professionals in developing a strong security posture right out of the gate. It also includes rich explorations into emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, ensuring that his work survives the test of time and can still serve as a valuable resource to security experts for generations to come.

Jagadish’s ability to lead by example has not only improved the security posture of his own employers, but it’s also helped countless other young professionals flourish in the field, inevitably helping innumerable organizations protect themselves from cybercrime.

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