If you were one of the many foodists in this town who set your alarm, made coffee and fired up the laptop in time to score tickets (or try to) for Trois Mec's first round of reservations, congratulations! Or not. We're told that tickets sold out in about two hours — although since people could “lock” tables for 15 minutes at a time, they were fully locked after only 30 minutes. Were there glitches in the ticketing system? Of course there were. Just consider how much more fun it is to deal with this than it was to deal with the IRS.

Trois Mec, the restaurant by Jon Shook, Vinny Dotolo and Ludo Lefebvre that's located in the little strip mall across the street from Mozza, officially opens tomorrow night. If you didn't get tickets this time, you might check Twitter to see if anybody can't make their reservations (“picnic, lightning,” to quote Nabokov) and is selling or bartering them. Or just calm down and try again next Friday morning, April 26 at 8 a.m., when tickets for the next two-week span will be released. At the very least, it's a better excuse than many to obsessively check your phone.

See also:

Trois Mec Opens for Registration, Reservations + Dinner

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