Sustainable Travel Trends: How Travly Promotes Eco-Friendly Tourism

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In today’s era of heightened environmental awareness, sustainable travel has emerged as a pivotal trend shaping the tourism industry worldwide. Amidst this shift, Travly, a prominent travel network founded in August 2022, is not only revolutionizing the way people explore the world but also championing eco-friendly tourism practices.

At the helm of Travly’s innovative journey are visionaries Zak Longo and Mayur Patil, who recognized a crucial gap in the travel market. Zak Longo, renowned for founding the largest gaming company on social media, @Gamelancer, and partnering with iconic ventures like @PrinceStreetPizza and @ItsTyson20, brings a unique blend of entrepreneurial acumen and a passion for travel content creation to Travly.

Longo’s transition from gaming to travel was inspired by his observation of the next generation of travelers relying more on social media than traditional search engines for trip planning. Teaming up with Mayur Patil, a former colleague, Travly was conceptualized as a platform bridging the gap between social media engagement and travel bookings, catering to the evolving preferences of modern travelers.

Mayur Patil is a former Exepdia Intern who later went on to become an exceedingly successful entrepreneur. He has not only taken Travly to new heights but he’s also changed the way @Hotels are booked. Travly’s digital footprint is nothing short of impressive, boasting a massive following of over 22 million across Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and other platforms. The company’s strategic ownership of popular travel-centric pages such as @Hotels, @Travel, @Destinations, and @Resorts positions it as a leading authority in the travel domain, influencing millions of travel enthusiasts worldwide.

One of Travly’s notable initiatives is its forthcoming booking platform, set to launch its V1 version in April. This platform aims not only to streamline travel bookings but also to promote sustainable travel choices among its users. By partnering with various airlines, hotels, and tourism boards globally, Travly plans to integrate eco-friendly options into its booking platform, encouraging travelers to make responsible choices during their journeys.

Travly’s commitment to sustainability goes beyond rhetoric, as evidenced by its collaborations with like-minded entities focused on environmental conservation and community engagement. By curating experiences that prioritize conservation, support local communities, and minimize environmental impact, Travly is at the forefront of promoting eco-friendly tourism practices across diverse destinations.

In an industry often criticized for its environmental footprint, Travly’s proactive approach towards sustainability sets a positive precedent for travel companies worldwide. As they continue to evolve and expand their offerings, Travly’s dedication to eco-friendly tourism not only aligns with consumer preferences but also contributes to a more sustainable future for global travel.

While Travly’s journey is still unfolding, its vision of blending social media influence with responsible travel underscores a promising shift towards a more sustainable and ethically conscious travel industry.

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