and VoomVaya on Social Responsibility of Businesses

The concept of “corporate social responsibility” has been here for decades, but it has only gained momentum in the past few years due to increasing advocacies for change. This has pushed many companies to integrate ethical, environmental, and social awareness into their core operations.

Breaking Taboos and Empowering Women

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VoomVaya, a company focused on supporting menopausal women’s health through women’s products and telehealth services, was born out of a social cause. In 2019, there was a big shortage of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which left pharmacies without supplies for nearly six months. For women experiencing menopause, HRT is the most common form of treatment for symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness. The national shortage left 200,000 menopausal women suffering  as experts warn alternatives could also run out. To make matters worse, ‘Menopause’ is considered a taboo topic in society, leaving most women to suffer in silence.

“That’s when the idea for VoomVaya was born. We wanted to create a destination where women can find resources, support, and solutions for an easier menopausal journey and enjoy optimal health,” says Julie Cortino, head of client services at VoomVaya.

Their first product line was Menopause Support Tea, a hormone balancing herbal tea blend developed by their team of medical experts. Since then, VoomVaya has branched out to other products and service offerings to support women’s health, including telehealth services with naturopathic doctor Dr. Corrine Poulin ND, a popular online ‘menopause type’ assessment, and their recent creation of “UnPausable Women”, a Facebook community where women can interact, be inspired, and get back on the path to wellness.

“Due to common misconceptions and lack of information about menopause, we knew it was important to bring up-to-date education about menopause, nutrition, supplements, and wellness tips to our members,” Dr. Poulin remarks. As the lead health expert in the group, she delivers regular content, answers women’s questions about their health, and holds Facebook Lives once each month.

“We don’t think that menopause is something to shy away from, because it is normal, and should be perceived as normal. So we try to shatter the taboo nature by talking about things that nobody else will talk about.” VoomVaya has since created numerous TikTok videos to educate their audience on controversial issues such as sex and menopause, and has also recently recorded a podcast episode with OBGYN and women’s sexual health expert Dr. Susan Hardwick-Smith to discuss all these issues.

As there is an estimated 1 billion women experiencing menopause worldwide, VoomVaya will only continue to improve their means to ensure more women get the help they need: “We’re now working with influencers to help get the word out there and reach new audiences in a meaningful way. As we build our community further, we should grow as a business and be able to offer more support and innovate further within the space.”

The Hybrid Approach to Entrepreneurship

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Nate Nead, CEO of, an agency that offers SEO services while also doing pro-bono marketing work for select charities, believes in a hybrid approach to social entrepreneurship. “Companies can do good while still earning well by aligning their social missions with their internal culture.” With this, companies can find innovative ways to benefit both society and their bottom line. According to him, all you have to do is “…stick to your principles and don’t sell yourself short for the almighty dollar. There are plenty of ways to make money, but be sure to do something that is meaningful to you and that can have a positive impact on those around you.”

His first foray into social entrepreneurship was in 2010 when he was involved in pro-bono marketing for microfinancing ventures, including and several other smaller, but similar organizations that focused on microcredit to third-world countries.

His biggest inspiration behind his endeavors was Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank. “I had a former boss at social agency Banyan Branch who had done a direct fellowship with Yunus and took inspiration in how he approached marketing with a slant on social impact and change, “ Nate said.

When asked about how he balances the pursuit of profit with his commitment to his social mission, he opened, “Profit and a social mission are not mutually exclusive, nor should they be! … We have found that when you start with a lead of social first and profit as a close second in the goals for your business, both can occur without one sacrificing the other. In fact, because of the work done on the social side, we have found there are more profit and growth opportunities because clients are able to get behind the larger mission”.

The Broad Benefits of Social Responsibility

But why are businesses moving in this direction? The benefits of being socially responsible are clear and compelling. For starters, it enhances a company’s reputation, making it more attractive to customers who prefer to buy from and support ethical companies. It also helps in attracting and keeping employees who are looking for workplaces that reflect their values. Moreover, investors are increasingly drawn to companies that are mindful of their social and environmental impact, viewing them as less risky and more sustainable in the long run.

Challenges and Risks

Despite the benefits, embracing social responsibility induces the risk of “greenwashing” — making false claims about a company’s environmental efforts — which is real and can damage trust. Additionally, implementing socially responsible practices can be costly, and measuring their impact can be complex.

Globalization adds another layer to the discussion. As companies operate worldwide, they face the task of adapting their social responsibility efforts to different cultures and regulations. This global perspective forces businesses to consider the impact of their entire supply chain, from production to delivery, ensuring that their operations are ethical and sustainable at every step.

The Future of Integrated Social Responsibility

Looking ahead, the future of business lies in integrating social responsibility into the core strategy. This means making it a part of everyday decisions and actions, rather than an afterthought or a marketing gimmick. Advances in technology offer exciting opportunities for companies to innovate in their social responsibility efforts, whether through sustainable products or enhancing transparency in their operations.

What and VoomVaya have shown us is that, when businesses align their operations with their values, they can achieve success while making a significant positive impact. This new era of business requires courage, innovation, and a commitment to doing what’s right, proving that profit and purpose can indeed go hand in hand.