In response to our piece out how LAX reports the most incidents nationwide of lasers being illegally pointed at planes — and how L.A. is coincidentally or not the laser-loving capital of ravers in America — we received a lot criticism.

How could we?

It's true: There's no proof of possible cause (raver) and effect (laser in a pilot's eye), but we simply pointed out one obvious correlation here. Ravers love lasers. L.A. has lots of ravers.

In fact, on reporting about raves recently, we were told that one particular L.A.-area eye doctor saw an increase in eye damage among teens recently as a result of rave light shows.

But still, it's possible that not all the virgins electronics enthusiasts who point laser pointers at passing airplanes are e-tards.

Our commenter of the day, Drumlemorace (who says we did “bad journalism”) kind of disagrees with us, but then agrees:

“i myself am a self respecting raver (yes we exist, but in very small numbers). to connect raves, and laser incidents is pretty….well ridiculous, first off, most lasers at a rave are pointed towards the crowds, not up in the sky (you wont see them obviously). and second, alot of the blinding involved are from lasers being directly pointed AT helicopters, i will not deny the possibility, however, that fixed wing aircrafts are affected by such immaturity.”

Any other self-respecting ravers care to comment?

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