Nina Garcia of Nina's Foods was the winner of this year's first annual Vendy Awards. Now, thanks to the publicity from her victory, her street cart has been sidetracked by police interference on a semi-regular basis. But fortunately for Nina, Evan Kleiman is here to help. Kleiman (owner of Angeli Caffe, host of Good Food on KCRW) was one of the judges at the Vendy Awards and is trying to get Nina off of that tiny cart and into her very own truck. To do it, she's put together a fundraiser this Sunday, Father's Day, at Angeli. There will be pambazos, quesadillas, gorditas, pozole, and a selection of beverages. In addition, you can even buy some of her famous salsa seca to take home with you.

To read more about Evan Kleiman's take on the day and its cause, or to find out where to simply send money, check out her blog. But it would really be in your best interest to make it to the event, if only for the opportunity to eat Nina's lovely food. That is the great thing about food-based fundraisers after all — you get to do a good thing while eating extremely well.

Nina's Foods Fundraiser, Sunday, June 20th, 11am-3pm, Angeli Caffe: 7274 Melrose Avenue, L.A., (323) 936-9086‎.

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