Speaking of Los Angeles police officers who don't exactly disagree with Arizona's controversial immigration law, a city councilman is asking the City Hall to make an exception to its Arizona boycott and travel ban so that four Los Angeles Police Department helicoptor division employees can still go on a previously scheduled trip to Tucson for the annual Airborne Law Enforcement Association Conference. Greig Smith is bringing the exception to the council's attention at Tuesday's meeting, according to LAist.

The LAPD's 19-copter Air Support Division comprises the largest such municipal air force in the world, Smith says. He notes that the four conference attendees would attend workshops on helicopter patrol tactics, high-rise emergencies and aircraft positioning.

It looks like the teacher has become the student: With its vast geographic area and comparatively small force, the LAPD pioneered the effective use of ghetto birds in patrolling a major city, creating the blueprint for nearly every other big-city department.

Of course, it's not clear if Smith is a fan of the department's superior air power, or if he just wants to poke holes in the council's boycott. His was the sole vote against it.

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