Autism is sometimes called an “invisible illness.” It’s a disability that not everyone will notice that a person has from the get-go. Some may cope with it almost unnoticed, but others suffer from autism so severely that it affects their quality of life. In recent years, the common drug Tylenol (acetaminophen) has been linked to autism in children. The debate over Tylenol and autism has been going on for years now, and is gaining steam thanks to a recent class action lawsuit. But what exactly do the experts say about this?

Tylenol and Autism Correlation

A study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology back in 2018 concludes that Tylenol, when taken by pregnant women, can put their child at a higher risk of developing autism. Moreover, just last October 2022, a class action lawsuit was taken regarding the connection between Tylenol and autism— there’s currently an increasing number of cases pending between major US drug retailers and the families involved.

Taking Tylenol During Pregnancy

Pregnancy doesn’t always come easy for soon-to-be mothers. It’s a well-known fact that pregnant women deal with mild to sometimes excruciating aches and pains — anything from migraines and tooth aches to flu or COVID. Because of this, many resort to taking painkiller medications, and for many years, acetaminophen was the OTC medication preferred and recommended by obstetricians. Unfortunately, however, not all expectant moms (or their physicians, for that matter) were aware of the risks and dangers of acetaminophen’s suspected side effects to them and their child. Tylenol, as we know now, is one of the harmful ones to take during pregnancy.

If you’re pregnant or you plan to be, make sure you consult a physician before taking any medication; this includes alternative medicine.

Other Autism Causes

Acetaminophen during pregnancy isn’t the only culprit linked to a child’s autism, however, and oftentimes multiple factors may play a role. While nobody can definitively pinpoint the main cause of autism, other speculations are theorized to contribute to an individual having it. Factors like premature birth, a parent being of advanced age, viral infections, and many other environmental and genetic risk factors can cause, or may contribute to, autism.

However, if you think you or your loved one suffers from autism because of their mother’s Tylenol use during pregnancy, then you should consider hiring an experienced lawyer to represent you.


The public is now made aware of the dangers of taking Tylenol and autism being one of its side effects. If you know someone suffering from autism and acetaminophen being one of its causes, seek an esteemed lawyer to help you with your lawsuit. If you’re pregnant and you need to take pain-relieving medications, consult your doctor first to ensure the baby being born healthy.

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