R.C. Baker

Polina Kuznetsovas 22My Hero Zelenskyy Dreams22 2020 1366x1383 1

Art by Ukrainians Benefits Ukraine

Ukrainian art and artists have been influencing the world for centuries. A NYC exhibit recently highlighted some of their works. From the classic art of the nat...
Foster Brooks roasts Don Rickles (on right) as Dean Martin looks on

Yukking in the ’70s: Dean Martin Roasted Celebrities as He Got Fried

While guest-hosting a TV variety show in 1964, Dean Martin ridiculed a hot new rock ’n’ roll act with his trademark blend of cocksure innuendo, aw-shucks buffoonery and inebriated syntax: “Now, something for the youngsters—five singing boys from England. … They’re called The Rollin’ Stones. I been rolled while I......