Paul Malcolm


A picaresque journey through the series of coups, revolutions and wars that colored the latter half of the 20th century, Chico (2001) presents a personal, tragicomic perspective on a period of history when, at least for one man, everything fell apart. Hungarian director Ibolya Fekete weaves documentary footage together with......

Feeding Boys, Ayaya

In the opening shot of Cui Zi’en’s Feeding Boys, Ayaya (2003), an ostensibly fictionalized look at the rise of male prostitution in Mainland China, a pair of idle young hustlers inflate condoms at the edge of a canal. As the prophylactics balloon out and contract in the pale sunlight, one......

The 70s Dimension

Other Cinema recently released on DVD The 70s Dimension, a two-course feast of found footage from the Me decade. The first program, “What the 70s Really Looked Like,” features a shimmering gelatin salad of vintage 1970s television commercials recovered by disc curators Matt McCormick and Morgan Currie from the dumpster......

Radio Sundance: Big Mother Is Watching You

THE GHOST IN THE SUNDANCE MACHINE HAS A name, and it isn't Miramax. It's "Mother" (pace Alien), the extensive radio network that allows the festival's core staff, along with hundreds of volunteers, to stay in constant communication throughout the 10-day, regionwide event. "Mother" is also the official on-air handle of......

Seoul Harvest

SINCE THE U.S. PREMIERE OF THE SOUTH Korean action blockbuster Shiri (1999) last February -- three years after it outgrossed Titanic at the Seoul box office -- 2002 has proved a watershed year for local awareness of Korea's cinema boom. Well, at least there've been more films to see. In......

Souls on Ice

A man races naked and barefoot over a vast field of blue and white glacial ice, his hobbled stride carrying him step by bloody step away from blinding fear and toward the infinite nothing of the horizon. Watching him onscreen as he desperately propels himself across the frozen expanse to......

Cuban Rebel Guy

Victor Pahlen‘s 1959 documentary The Truth About Fidel Castro Revolution opens on a schoolroom set: a wooden desk supporting a large globe, wall map pulled down over the blackboard. Then Errol Flynn saunters into the frame -- shirt open, skin tanned, cigarette holder clenched in his teeth -- looking as......

Childhood’s End

For a journalist and a Jew who grew up in West Jerusalem, documentary filmmaker B.Z. Goldberg opens Promises on a surprisingly confident note. The narrative voice for this look at the lives and concerns of seven Israeli or Palestinian children, Goldberg sets up the project with a montage of olive-skinned......

All of Me

A rare moonstruck moment in the documentary Trembling Before G-d comes when a young man, Mark, looks out over a sea of people at a rave in Jerusalem as fireworks sparkle in the sky behind him. Mark’s face looms large in the shot, as large as his drag persona --......

A Click Away — Sundance Online

If you couldn’t make it to Sundance this year, Sundance was ready to come to you — only forget about anyone throwing an exclusive star-studded party in your home. Launched in 2001, the Sundance Online Film Festival extends the Sundance imprimatur to Web-specific work from film, video and animation to......