Megan Sallabedra

Credit: Courtesy of the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Library

5 Best Thanksgiving Artworks in L.A.

Judging by artworks on view around town, you'd think L.A. invented Thanksgiving. Or, maybe I'm reading too much into it. In any case, here are five Thanksgiving-related L.A. artworks (that are probably not inspired by Thanksgiving)......
Totally doesn't doesn't do its awesomeness justice. But cool...; Credit: Josh White

Mie Olise's Shipsearching at Honor Fraser is as Cool as a Treehouse

Shipsearching, Mie Olise's awesome treehouse of an artwork at Honor Fraser gallery, stole the opening-night-in-Culver-City scene for me. You may be wondering, what's a treehouse of an artwork? Is that some newfangled whipper-snapper term for awesome? No, that would make me redundant. A treehouse of an artwork is one you......