From ICandy to Killers: The 195th LA Weekly playlist, reviewing the musicians that we’ve been writing about all week, is live now. There’s electronic music from From Heidi Lawden, hip-hop from A.R. The Mermaid and ICandy, alt-pop from Pure Bathing Culture, alt-rock from Cuffed Up, and so much more.
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From ICandy to Killers
Also this week:
Cover star A.R. The Mermaid told us that, “Females have always been colorful. We were just looked over forever and it was harder for females to get on. Nicki (Minaj) and Megan made it easier. They were definitely harder.”
In “Not Another DJ,” Heidi Lawden said, “I get in my head about it or think it’s not perfect enough to release. Recently, Yvonne Turner, a female producer I deeply admire from disco’s golden era, remarked on the saturation of music being released, likening it to pollution. This notion weighs heavily on my mind and fuels my perfectionist tendencies; I hesitate to contribute to the noise. However, I’m always hearing melodies and lyrics in my head. People often ask what I’m singing, unaware that I’m making it up on the fly. It’s time to throw some of that out into the world more.”
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