Calendar: Tollbooth (1994): Free Screening + Q&A with actor Lenny von Dohlen, writer/director Salomé Breziner, & producer Steven Wolfe

September 7, 2019

4:00 PM

Film + Q&A with actor Lenny von Dohlen, writer/director Salomé Breziner, & producer Steven Wolfe


Join us Saturday, September 7th at 4pm as flickrhappy presents a free screening of 1994 comedy-thriller Tollbooth, followed by a discussion with actor Lenny Von Dohlen, writer/director Salomé Breziner, and producer Steven Wolfe!

Fairuza Balk, Louise Fletcher, Will Patton, and William Katt costar in this eccentric, moody, genre-bending comedy-thriller which finds fate playing a key role in the strange, unexpected happenings at a lonely tollbooth along the Florida Keys. Twenty-year old Doris (Balk) has told her boyfriend Jack (Von Dohlen) that their future is on hold until her estranged father comes home. Determined to get married and end her seemingly pointless vigil, Jack searches everywhere for Doris’ lost parent. When he suddenly drives up to the tollbooth Jack operates, it triggers a bizarre, unpredictable series of events that changes their lives forever.

“Tollbooth is a strong first film for director Salomé Breziner. The charm of the two leads and Breziner’s ability to invent a wholly contained world of fantasy and screwy logic carries the picture. Breziner has an original vision and voice and an ablity to bring emotional resonance to her cinematic flights of fancy.” – Steven Gaydos, Variety

“A giddy contemporary comedy – romantic on the one hand, gleefully prankish on the other – that’s distinctive and funny. …steeped in seedy Florida Keys atmosphere, shrewdly cast and an altogether notable feature debut for Breziner, who has a sense of Florida-style craziness.” – Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times

Directed by Salomé Breziner | 1994 | 108 minutes | Rated R

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Event Location

The Frida Cinema, East 4th Street, Santa Ana, CA, USA

Event Fees




