One of the best parts of The Carol Burnett Show, the beloved TV variety show that aired from 1967 to 1978, was the segment early in the program when the series’ titular host answered questions from the audience. The freewheeling exchanges between Carol Burnett and her fans gave the masterful comedian plenty of opportunities to riff and improvise in all manner of wonderful ways, demonstrating her impressive ability to think on her feet. She reprises the alternately daft and poignant spirit of those Q&A sessions with Carol Burnett: Laughter & Reflection, in which she takes on any and all questions in a 90-minute performance.

Saban Theatre, 8440 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills; Sat., March 14, 8 p.m.; $69-$250. (888) 645-5006,

Note: The Carol Burnett appearance has been postponed until Saturday, October 10, 2020.