Could you retire within ten years? Entrepreneur Jodie Cook’s forthcoming book explains how.

Ten Year Career LA Weekly

Most people leave education in their late teens or early twenties and continue working until their sixties or seventies. But it doesn’t have to be that way. A new book, written by entrepreneur Jodie Cook and published by Hachette shows how your entire career could take just ten years, leaving you free for your next chapter, whatever it may hold.

Ten Year Career

Simply entitled Ten Year Career: fast track your freedom, the book invites its readers to reimagine their career and business to break free of limiting beliefs. Available in print, Kindle and audiobook, it explores key themes of entrepreneurship including being exceptional, lifestyle design and scaling and selling a business as well as introducing a framework by which entrepreneurs can achieve far more in a far shorter space of time. “Reducing the time frame narrows focus and attention to unlock massive results,” says author Jodie.

Ten Year Career has been penned for a broad readership from someone thinking about starting a business to a veteran business owner looking to up their game or make an exit. It publishes in the UK and rest of world in July 2022 before its US release on November 15th. The book will be available for pre-order in the weeks leading up to the respective release dates. The foreword has been written by entrepreneur and author Derek Sivers, who described the book as, “timeless advice from recent experience” and its endorsements are extensive.

Author Jodie Cook, who started, grew and sold her marketing agency over a ten-year period, whilst also travelling the world, winning a host of business awards and competing for her country in powerlifting, is proof that this method is possible. “I’m no superhero,” she says, “I believe this is possible for any business owner who puts their mind to it.” She believes a Ten Year Career is replicable for any ambitious entrepreneur with an intention, a plan, and the ability to think differently in order to achieve what others can’t.

“The world has changed. We don’t need to play by the old rules. Business owners can reimagine their work,” said Jodie. “But even entrepreneurs are following the same paths and doing the same as everyone else without asking why.” Those old thought patterns are explored in the book, so they can be broken and new ones made. “Reimagining your life and work leads to unimaginable success.”

The framework for entrepreneurs who think differently

Entrepreneurs will learn how to define success in their own way, how to achieve far more in a shorter space of time, and how to run their business without it running them. The book and companion course also introduce the Ten Year Career framework and guide readers through each of the four stages, which will be revealed upon publication.

The chapters promise to rewire your mind to unlock new avenues for growth. Habits, mindset and discovering what you are capable of are all themes within the book, which also contains stories from well-known entrepreneurs and Jodie’s own experience. Entrepreneurs serious about retiring before everyone else can jump off the career conveyor belt, to untold benefits.

The Ten Year Career framework will be the new way we track a career’s trajectory. It will be how we assess someone’s entrepreneurial progress to work out how they should spend their time. In a field abundant in guidance and advice from all directions, this will give entrepreneurs at any stage much-needed refinement. It’s unproductive to follow advice that applies to a different stage of your career. The Ten Year Career framework untangles this mess and brings clarity.

Ten Year Career is available everywhere that sells books from July 2022 and November 2022 for the USA. Visit

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