music pickIn these trying times, the power of adrenalin-fueled proto-punk cannot be underestimated. Melbourne Australia’s Civic serve it up on record and on stage. With Taken By Force, their release on ATO Records from earlier this year earning new fans, the band is building on its following with a U.S. tour (their first time playing here).

Expect garage-y abandon and vociferous flair in the live setting as the quartet presents its fusion of heavy guitars and growling vocals on introspective numbers about the life changes we all go through and hopefully grow from. The band is in the midst of its evolution, like we all are, really. Check out their new single, “Hourglass,” (which they’re sure to play at the LA show) for a revved run-through before the gig.

Civic at the Knitting Factory: 8 p.m on Saturday, October 21.






















































































































































































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