The iconic 6th Street Bridge in Los Angeles is set to close this weekend to host Bridgefest, a fresh and dynamic outdoor market event. With a diverse range of artists, musicians, fashion heads and car enthusiasts coming together, Bridgefest strives to be an unforgettable experience for LA locals and visitors alike.

The first Bridgefest took place in 2022 and was created by LA’s Downtown Arts District. After the success of the first Bridgefest, the board of the Arts District decided to go bigger and better for their second iteration.

Bridgefest will feature a diverse array of vendors, ranging from artists and painters to photographers and musicians, all hailing from different backgrounds within the creative industry. With their unique products and services, the vendors will create a unique atmosphere, making the event a hub for like-minded individuals to connect and appreciate art in all its forms.

In a unique fusion of culture and sports, Bridgefest will witness the participation of car clubs and classic bomber car enthusiasts alike. LA-based DJs will als take the stage, offering performances that will captivate attendees throughout the festivities. There will also be an exciting collaboration with LAFC (Los Angeles Football Club), as they will setting up a mini soccer field for attendees to play on.

Bridgefest promises to be a beautiful celebration of creativity, culture, and community. The event will be taking place on the 6th Street Bridge in Downtown LA, from 1PM-9PM. See you there, and don’t forget to bring your cleats!


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