Fertility Tech Company Faces Wave of Lawsuits after Recalling Faulty Liquid Product

(February 20, 2024) – CooperSurgical’s faulty in vitro fertilization (I.V.F.) liquid has been utilized by clinics globally, resulting in the potential destruction of thousands of embryos.

Within a span of just two months, CooperSurgical is now facing eight legal actions for the distribution of a defective I.V.F. product specifically designed for in vitro fertilization procedures.

Regulatory authorities have revealed that CooperSurgical issued recalls for multiple batches of their I.V.F. product, lacking a crucial nutrient, Magnesium. On Wednesday, the Food and Drug Administration issued a recall notice, suggesting that the flawed distribution may have impacted thousands of patients.

The exact number of affected families remains uncertain, but Mitchel Schiewe, an embryologist and laboratory director at California Fertility Partners, estimates that the number could be as high as 20,000.

As another affected family comes forward, CooperSurgical is now confronted with eight lawsuits related to the compromised liquid I.V.F. product. Families worldwide are grappling with the emotional aftermath of having their chances of conception jeopardized.

If you have used a defective product from CooperSurgical Inc. or another medical company, rest assured that you are not alone in facing these challenges. Gather any relevant documentation and reach out to an attorney promptly.

Do not settle for the devastating circumstances that stem from negligence. Becoming involved in a medical lawsuit can come with a heavy burden. Turn to the qualified and determined attorneys at Sweet James during this difficult time. They have the resources, experience, and staff to successfully fight for you in court. Call their office at 1-800-900-0000 to know more about how they can help you. Need help after hours? You can reach them 24 hours a day and 7 days a week through email, text, and online chat. For more accident news, click here. The original source can be found here.

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