Here's an excellent piece on Fountain: Beautiful, unusual, educational and local.

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From Elk Pen's website:

“A lot of my work is about birds.

Living in the city, birds are the wildlife I see most often. When I watch a bird hopping around on the sidewalk, or cocking it’s head from the phone wire I am struck by how personable he, or she, is. I hope that in making pictures about birds the livingness and individuality of birds becomes more apparent.”

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It would have been easy enough for the market owners to just put up a bunch of garish Budweiser ads covering his store, women in bikinis holding wet bottles of beer. More ads, more selling of more junk. Instead: This. With its wonderful muted colors,and bilingual descriptions of all of the birds, this is something useful and even inspiring.

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All photos by Mark Mauer. More after the jump.

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All photos by Mark Mauer.

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