It's only a matter of time before Frogtown, an isthmus-shaped neighborhood set along the L.A. River, became as hopping as nearby Echo Park and Atwater Village. If you've been to Elysian L.A. in the past year, you get what we're talking about. Behind the slatted gate of this unassuming restaurant on Clearwater Street lies a tangled garden, and behind that is a semi-shaded patio and an airy, modish dining room, where chef David Thorne serves up “Medi-Cali” cuisine. Baked goods come from recently hired pastry chef Amanda Broder-Hahn, while bar director Mark Hendrix mixes drinks. Though currently closed for renovation and weddings, Elysian L.A. plans to be back on track come November 1, offering dinner four evenings per week under twinkly lights and L.A. night skies. Here's hoping that some version of the pork pâté toast remains on the menu.

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