You've been told by 20 people that acupuncture will cure what ails you, be it insomnia, acne or indigestion. Still, you're not sure if Eastern medicine is simply needles and hokum. Get over your hesitation at Dongguk University, where prices are so cheap, you can try acupuncture four times for the price of a single visit anywhere else. Let's be clear: Dongguk is a school, so you'll be getting stuck by interns and not wizened specialists. (Sometimes they even argue in the hallway, like extras on Scrubs.) If you're looking for scented candles, drapes and a relaxing waterfall soundtrack, this isn't the place. But if you want practical, clinical therapy for less than $30, this is your new favorite spot, and extras such as cupping and herbal consultations are just a few dollars more. Show up on first-come, first-serve Mondays with time to kill and you can score a session for only $10. —Amy Nicholson
440 Shatto Place, Koreatown, 90020. (213) 487-0150,