The Lincoln Heights Jail (nicknamed the Gray Bar Motel by LAPD) housed murderer William Edward Hickman in the 1920s, drunken movie star Lucile Watson in the '40s, zoot suit rioters in the '50s and Watts rioters in 1965, shortly before the jail closed that same year. Though it's still owned by the city of Los Angeles, you're more likely to find Lady Gaga and Blink-182 inhabiting its still-standing jail cells these days, for the filming of their respective prison-set music videos, “Telephone” and “Feeling This.” The abandoned art deco building dating back to 1931 also is a coveted location for Hollywood movies like 1997's L.A. Confidential, and it's even being scouted by the L.A. River Revitalization Corporation, which is looking to redevelop the supposedly haunted site into a clean-tech hub with an urban farm and outdoor climbing wall. 401 N. Avenue 19, Lincoln Heights, 90031. —Jennifer Swann