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Marnie Weber at Rosamund Felsen

Japanese porn embodies a wild and rigid dichotomy: On one hand, there’s the softcore mainstream, legally prohibited from showing genitalia and, until recently, pubic hair and intended to be consistent with the country’s image of modesty, tact and low crime rate; and on the other, there’s an underground notorious for......
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Rubén Ortiz Torres at Track 16

"They was helicopters," claimed a Midwestern farmer repeatedly on an audiotape I heard back in 1986. Who knows what he thought about being hypnotized to reconstruct his alien abduction, much less what he went through that day in his field — but if we do believe him (not that he......

The Economics Lesson

"These are people who a few generations ago would have run off to join the circus," noted a participant observing the bare-breasted blonds jiggling down the lanes at Mission Hills Bowl. Their brightly painted nails too long and delicate to fit in the finger holes, they were hurling the balls......
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Up Above the World

This story, originally published in 1997 in L.A. Weekly, was reposted here upon Bowles' death on November 18, 1999. Paul Bowles is the author of novels (The Sheltering Sky) and many short stories, the translator of Sartre's No Exit and several Moroccan works, and a composer of note. Now 87,......
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The Refugee

This story, originally published in the September 18, 1997, issue of L.A. Weekly, was reposted when R.B. Kitaj passed away October 21, 2007. Photo by Slobodan DimitrovThere are certain phrases that, once you've spent a few afternoons in the company of the painter R.B. Kitaj, rapidly become familiar. "I overstayed......
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Coming to America

This excerpt was originally published in L.A. Weekly on February 21, 1997, and reposted here on July 3, 2008. Early on the morning of September 30, 1973, in his home in Santa Monica Canyon, the 69-year-old English novelist Christopher Isherwood received a phone call from the Reuters news service informing......
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I Am a Diary

This excerpt was originally published in L.A. Weekly on February 21, 1997, and reposted here on July 3, 2008.    June 1939 House hunting brought us into direct contact with the splendors and miseries of Hollywood architecture . . . Up Laurel Canyon, nearly buried in undergrowth, we found a......

They Walk Among Us

If they have their druthers, the Total Overcomers will leave earth after being picked up by a spacecraft from the tip of the Santa Monica Pier. They will be taken to the Kingdom of Heaven, will lose their "vehicles" and be fitted with new bodies molded to the needs of......

Going Up in L.A.

It has only been a few hours, but the stain on the old couch that sits in the empty lot has already turned brown. Around it now are gathered about a dozen teenagers who stare at the dark flower spread out upon the grimy fabric.  Although it's a school day......
Toro! Toro! (Sony Pictures Classics)

Sweet Bird of Youth

(Originally published July 1, 1988) It must’ve begun with the Romantics, our culture’s frantic overvaluation of youth. For living fast and dying pretty, musicians of the 20th century have nothing on the poets of the early 19th. Even the old stodge Wordsworth wrote his best stuff early in his career......