At least seven schools in the Sunland-Tujunga neighborhood were asked to shelter in place while police investigated a possible nearby threat on Tuesday.

At approximately 9:30 a.m., LAPD responded to a call alleging that a man was seen riding a scooter in the area, wearing a black backpack and tactical gear.

That is when lockdowns were issued for Mount Lukens Continuation High, Verdugo Hills High, Mount Gleason Middle School, Apperson Elementary, Plainview Elementary, Pinewood Elementary and Pinewood Early Education.

The lockdowns were a precautionary measure, but Los Angeles School Police Department (LASPD) searched the schools before clearing them for dismissal.

“All students & staff at the listed schools are safe,” L.A. Schools wrote in an online update. “The LASPD is on campus as a precautionary measure.”

There were no reported shots fired or injuries by either LAPD or LASPD.

The lockdown continued until approximately 4:20 p.m., as those schools had modified dismissals with additional school police patrolling the surrounding areas.

































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