Mayank Keshaviah

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N*gger Wetb*ck Ch*nk

In 2002, three UCLA students collaborate on a racial stereotype-inspired performance piece that blends theater, stand-up comedy, poetry and hip-hop. A scant two...
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The Birthday Boys

Stop me if you've heard this one: Three U.S. Marines walk into an Iraqi storage room. OK, they don't walk. They get dragged into it. Point being, there ...
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Nearly as old as the transition of a script from Broadway to Hollywood is the reverse, a process of adaptation that has created both stage gems like Mary Poppin...
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In the aftermath of Proposition 8 passing in November 2008, one of the regrets of those who fought valiantly for gay marriage and against the proposition was th...
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West Side Story

If you've ever come across a letter or diary entry written by a younger version of a parent or grandparent, a whole new window into that person opens up, hu...
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When asked in 1923 why he wanted to climb the highest mountain in the world, English mountaineer George Mallory replied, "Because it's there." This somewhat...
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Of Grapes and Nuts

Humor à la Joad comes to Burbank in this revival of a parodic hybrid between two of John Steinbeck's best-known novels, The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and ...
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Free Man of Color

A young, well-spoken and highly educated black man is tapped to become the leader of a nation. But it's not who you think. The year is 1828, the place is At...
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A Wolf Inside the Fence

"You can't lose your way in a history class. You can only go backwards," says Linus McBride (Arthur Hanket), a history teacher who seems to be losing his pa...