Lovell Estell III

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A few years ago, Austin Pendleton's drama made quite a splash in the local theater community during its extended run at the Black Dahlia Theater. This expan...
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"Be ahead of all partings," says poet Rainer Maria Rilke, "as if they were behind you." This sage advice captures the spirit of these collaboratively written an...
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James Joyce's The Dead

Under Charles Otte's tender staging, Richard Nelson's adaptation of James Joyce's literary gem is nothing short of superb. Nelson's book stirs a...
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Point Break Live

Jaime Keeling’s merciless skewering of the 1991 hyper-action flick starring Keanu Reeves and Gary Busey is loaded with laughs as well as surprises, like p...
(Illustration by Ronald Kurniawan)

Best Smoky Tinder Box

Best Smoky Tinder Box Ed Kolpin knows a thing or two about pipes. The affable 96-year-old tells me that he once made “16 of ’em” for Bing Crosby, adding that the crooner was one of his favorite people. Catch him in a chatty mood, and he’ll regale you with anecdotes......
Richards (right) with August Wilson (Photo by Michael Dinneen)

Lloyd Richards (1919-2006)

With the recent death of August Wilson, the American theater community lost one of its most luminous stars. Yet that star might never have risen were it not for his close association and friendship with director Lloyd Richards, who died this month of heart failure at the age of 87......

Reclaiming the “N Word”

We wear the mask that grins and lies It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes — This debt we pay to human guile. —Paul Laurence Dunbar The resignation of University of Oklahoma baseball coach Larry Cochell for using a racial epithet to describe a black ballplayer places the 65-year-old......

Trouble With Angels

I Milk or My Life Making a run to the market wouldn’t ordinarily be such a big deal. But this was less than 24 hours into one of the worst riots in U.S. history, so when my sister asked if I could try to find some milk for my 2-year-old......

Power Consciousness

So the weekend’s here, the dour predictions about power failures and blackouts have at last smacked you right in the face, it’s hotter than Hades, you’ve just endured the mother of all bad days on the job, and you’re nestled in your domicile without radio, TV, computer, fridge or —......