Inkoo Kang

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Fresh Off the Boat Is Quietly Revolutionizing the Network Sitcom

(Heavy spoilers for the pilot; very light spoilers for the second and third episodes.) There's more than one way to start a revolution. You can get high off your own sense of righteousness and authenticity, as celebrity chef and Fresh Off the Boat memoirist Eddie Huang recently did by calling......

Girls, Season 4: Lena Dunham Doesn't Let Hannah & Co. Grow Up

Among many other things, Girls has always been great satire, lampooning with scolding empathy the callowness, narcissism and insufferableness of 20-somethings who are privileged enough to spend their post-grad years making mistake after mistake with no serious consequences. But the HBO dramedy's fourth season, in which Hannah (Lena Dunham) leaves......

The 10 Best TV Shows of 2014

TV continued to unmoor from its origins and transform into something else this year. No longer tethered to a specific appliance, a particular kind of storytelling or even commercial concerns, "television" now feels like an increasingly obsolete word. But that's a discussion for another time, for we've come to celebrate......

Netflix's Marco Polo Is Everything That's Wrong With Game of Thrones

Despite its sumptuous displays of feudal opulence — cavalries, silk gowns, all the naked female extras money can buy — Netflix's Marco Polo feels distinctly like scraps. Turgid, fatuous and humorless, the streaming site's newest series is a grave miscalculation of what has made Game of Thrones, its obvious model,......

Is Any Part of Bill Cosby's Legacy Worth Salvaging?

Bill Cosby's present is secure. Despite the 17 women (so far) who have publicly come forward with notably similar allegations of drug-enabled sexual assault, the comedian received standing ovations for his stand-up performances in the Bahamas and in Florida recently. His comeback tour likely will continue over the next few......

How Reality TV Went From Launchpad to Dumpster

Minor spoilers for the second episode of The Comeback's sophomore season. It's no mystery why The Comeback, which returned for its second season this past Sunday after a nine-year hiatus, never became a big hit for HBO. Other mockumentaries such as The Office, Parks and Recreation and Modern Family have......

The Fall Season's 5 Best New Series and Its 5 Biggest Disappointments

There's more television today than at any other point in the medium's history, but there's a good chance you're stuck in a TiVo rut. That's because, with a handful of exceptions, this fall has delivered a truckload of mediocrity and dead-on-arrival trends. (Goodbye, "rom-sit-coms" like the already canceled A to......