A film as eccentric as its main characters, director Nathan Silver’s Between the Temples offers perennial scene stealers Jason Schwartzman and Carol Kane the le...
Crossing, the moving new film from Levan Akin, writer/director of the much loved And Then We Danced, opens with a woman known to all as Miss Lia (Mzia Arbul...
The remarkable mother-daughter drama Janet Planet opens with a wonderfully staged comic moment. It is late at night in the Massachusetts countryside, circa 199...
Everything I know about summer camp I learned at the movies … and now from Camp Snoopy, the delightful new Apple TV series created, in part, to celebrate the 50...
“Seriously misunderstood creatures, spiders are,” declares Rubeus Hagrid in the film version of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Hagrid is mourning Arago...
Director David Slade’s new Halloween horror movie, Dark Harvest (MGM Studios) has moments of visual verve and a cool pumpkin-headed demon ready to wreak havoc, ...
GameStop lives, and is probably open late at a location near you. The fate of the often troubled videogame retailer is at the core of Dumb Money, a fast-paced a...
Unexpected blessings abound in The Nun II, an inevitable sequel to The Nun, the 2018 Conjuring-inspired horror film many saw and few loved. Fans watching the or...
Early on in Theater Camp, a lovingly observed comedy about a beleaguered performing arts summer camp, the power goes out during auditions, but not even total da...
The remaining film year isn’t likely to bring an action movie or thriller with turns of plot as exhilarating as those that fill director Zachary Wigon’s Sanctua...