Adam Gropman

Dash goes skateboarding; Credit: Adam Gropman

Omar Von Muller's Skateboarding Dogs. Yes, Skateboarding Dogs.

It's a pleasant summer day down at Venice Beach, the boardwalk humming with activity. On the paved path pointing toward the water, near where Windward Avenue ends at the beach, a skateboarder shows off, kicking sturdily against the pavement, leaning into ovals and figure-eights, occasionally falling off the board but......
Slocum in his kingdom; Credit: Ted Soqui

Cameron Slocum, the Eastside Tomato King + His One-Man Urban Farm

Heavy lies the head that wears the crown, especially when said metaphorical crown goes with the title Eastside Tomato King. Cameron Slocum could be dealing modern furniture or hustling to create and sell his own avant-garde artworks -- things the 53-year-old has done before -- or he could have sought......
Sara O'Donnell in her kitchen; Credit: Simone Paz

Bob Gray and the New Cellphone That Made Him a Celebrity. Sort Of.

There are people who kinda love their cellphone service, and then there is Bob Gray. A refreshingly friendly and stoutly built Cleveland native, bursting with the unfiltered enthusiasm and tendency for "straight talk" associated with his part of the country, Gray has a reason to be really excited about his......
law logo2x b

Los Angeles' Dog Barking Hell

In Los Angeles, it's against the law for a dog owner or guardian to allow dogs to make "excessive noise" after receiving legal notice of a noise complaint a...
Kids from Project SOAR show their artwork; Credit: Courtesy of Hollywood Arts Council

Project SOAR: Giving Kids a Chance to Sing and Dance

Up onstage in the Los Feliz Elementary School auditorium, a group of third-graders literally runs through an improvisational acting exercise, the instructor having directed them to scurry at each other from opposing wings, uttering such exchanges as "Are you late for school?" "I'm late for school!" as they cross paths......
Victor Felix

Victor Felix: Eastside Stories

Click here to see all our Best of L.A. People 2011 profiles. And click here for more photographs of the Best of L.A. People 2011. If the soul of Los Angeles is Latino, then the heart of that soul is, arguably, East L.A. — the neighborhoods just across the Los......

Victor Felix: Eastside Stories

Click here to see all our Best of L.A. People 2011 profiles. And click here for more photographs of the Best of L.A. People 2011. If the soul of Los Angeles is Latino, then the heart of that soul is, arguably, East L.A. — the neighborhoods just across the Los......