Dr. Igor’s Very Berry Superfood Overnight Oatmeal Bowl Recipe

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This article was originally published on Blue Ribbon Hemp. To view the original article and recipe, click here.

Freeze Dried Blueberry, Flaxseed, Hemp Heart, Chia Seed & Overnight Oatmeal Bowl topped with Shredded Coconut, Almonds, Cacao Nibs, Berries, Sprouted Sunflower Seeds & an Almond Butter Sauce


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The best way to start your morning is with this fully loaded overnight oatmeal bowl packed with all kinds of nuts, fruits, and superfoods, that can be prepared in advance. This nutrient dense breakfast bowl will keep you satiated and bursting with energy all day and into the afternoon. The abundance of fiber rich complex carbohydrates will hold you over for those workdays that you’re so busy you forget when to eat!

Pulverized freeze-dried blueberries are folded into healthy grains with plant-based Greek yogurt and marinated for up to 24 hours, lending the oats a concentrated blueberry flavor and deep purple color rich in anthocyanin, a flavonoid responsible for giving certain colorful foods their nutritional and medicinal properties. Top this base with anything your tastebuds crave and drizzle a generous amount of my easy to prepare almond butter sauce!

Related: Could CBD help in your weight loss journey? The answer may surprise you. Click here to learn more.

Total: 4-24 hours

Prep: 4+ hours

Assembly: 3 minutes

Servings: 4

Allergens: tree nuts



  • 1-½ cups of rolled old fashioned OR steel-cut oats
  • 1-½ tablespoons of hemp hearts
  • 1-½ tablespoons of ground flaxseed
  • 1-½ tablespoons of chia seeds
  • ½ cup of freeze-dried blueberries, pulverized
  • ½ cup of vegan Greek yogurt
  • 2-½ cups of plain unsweetened almond milk OR milk of choice
  • 3 tablespoons of agave nectar OR honey
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract


  • ¾ cup of creamy almond butter
  • ⅓ cup of almond milk
  • ½ banana
  • 1 tablespoons of agave nectar


  • Your choice of Bananas, Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries and/or Strawberries
  • 1 teaspoon each of almonds OR any nuts, cacao nibs, chia seeds, coconut flakes/shredded, hemp hearts and/or sprouted sunflower seeds


1.) Save a tablespoon of freeze-dried blueberries aside. In a food processor, pulverize the rest into a coarse texture.

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2.) In a large bowl, combine the leftover blueberries, oatmeal, hemp hearts, flax seeds, cinnamon, and chia seeds. Pour in the almond milk, vanilla, Greek yogurt, and agave, stir to combine, and then fold in the pulverized blueberries.

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3.) Cover the bowl with plastic wrap (I transferred mine into a tall wide mouth mason jar to save space) and let it sit in the refrigerator for 4 hours and up to 24 hours for best results, hence the name overnight oats! I usually plan my breakfast ahead of time and doing this the night before a busy weekday sets you up for success!

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3.) Make the sauce by combining the almond butter, almond milk, half of a banana and agave nectar in a blender. Purée everything until smooth. Transfer into a bottle if you like and store it in the fridge.

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4.) After 4+ hours: Just before serving, slice the fruits into whatever shapes you desire and gather all the nuts and seeds.

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5.) Divide the oatmeal into 4 individual bowls, top with fruits, nuts, seeds and one tablespoon of the almond butter sauce, and serve!


  • Store the extra assembled oatmeal with toppings in airtight containers or mason jars to set up breakfast (or snack) for the next few days. These stay fresh for up to 4 days in the refrigerator.
  • Create a whole new dish by using the same base and sauce but customizing the toppings to your liking. Here are a few other delicious flavor combinations:

Tropical Oatmeal Bowl: papayas, mangoes, pineapples, shredded coconut, macadamia nuts & dried bananas

Maple Pecan Oatmeal Bowl: dried and fresh blueberries, granola, pecans & maple syrup

Peanut Butter & Jelly Oatmeal Bowl: red grapes, strawberries, apricot or any fruit preserves, smooth peanut butter & crushed peanuts

  • If the oatmeal is too thick for you, feel free to thin it out with some extra almond milk.


  • Can I use regular yogurt and milk? If you are not lactose intolerant you can use any other dairy product you like. Almond milk and nut milk-based yogurt alternatives add a nutty sourness to this recipe and compliments the other ingredients. Adding dairy is also delicious and has a creamy flavor.
  • Can I use another type of nut butter? Yes, and they will be just as tasty as almond butter in this recipe. Cashew, hazelnut, peanut, hemp, or sesame seed (tahini) butter works just as fine.

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Related: Are you dealing with stress and anxiety? CBD could help you cope. Click here to learn more about CBD for anxiety and stress for seniors.

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