

The Slider (T.Rex/Reprise)

Studs and Sliders: Frankie Clarke of L.A. rockers Frankie + the Studs told us about her love for a T.Rex classic.


Frankie Clarke: My favorite album of all time is The Slider by T.Rex. I like to listen to all my favorite albums front to back and this album is no exception.

I mean how could you not be hooked from the start after hearing “Metal Guru.” I’m a sucker for Bolan’s poetry and and this album has so many lyrical gems.

If you need inspiration to come up with a band name, just go searching in a T.Rex song. Between the guitar tones, Bolan’s voice, the songwriting.. it’s all just timeless to me.

“Ballrooms of Mars” is one of my favorite songs of all times. Fun fact, I actually wrote a song in response to it called “Dance with You”.

This album will forever be a huge influence on me and my songwriting journey.

Studs and Sliders: Frankie + the Studs perform every Monday in January at Harvard & Stone





























































































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