OCT. 19 – 25, 2007
A friendly Aquarius moon and easy aspects should make for a
pleasant weekend. However, things could get confusing by Tuesday as the sun leaves
lovable Libra for suspicious Scorpio and bumps into retrograde Mercury on its
way back into Libra. Information will be exchanged; whether or not it's
reliable is where the confusion sets in. Perhaps your situation will clear up
during the Taurus full moon Thursday night. Perhaps you'll have a sudden
change of heart when Venus confronts rebellious Uranus earlier in the day. Perhaps
what you need is a different costume.


Back to basics. Food, shelter, even clothing, could be the concerns that need
your attention now. And while a natural disaster might not be in the cards, you
certainly wouldn't want the holiday season to wind up that way. Planning
ahead, even though Mercury is retrograde, is not such a bad idea, especially since
your Mars ruler will be stuck in Cancer, the sign ruling your unruly family, for
months, not weeks. The Taurus full-moon period is a good time to take a realistic
look at your disposable income vis-a-vis your gift list.


The full moon in Taurus can serve as a reminder that your emotional health is
due for its annual checkup. Because Luna is exalted in your sign, you won't
have to dig deep to decide how you feel about a host of people and situations.
Remember that Mercury retrograde leaves Scorpio, ruler of your significant others,
on the 23rd to focus on folks who are not as close, e.g., dog walkers and wheatgrass
providers. Around the same time, your Venus ruler could upset your social apple
cart by criticizing a colleague.


Another one of those magical days takes place when your Mercury ruler and the
sun crossed paths on the 23rd. Whatever you learn that day could resonate until
Thanksgiving; it might also be a reason for reliving a romantic episode. Meanwhile,
your unpredictable career arc can take another hit while erratic Uranus, at the
top of your chart, is opposed by Venus at the bottom. Since Venus usually indicates
a female presence, before it gets too weird ask Mom what surprise she's
hiding up her sleeve.


Once you're aware that your moon ruler is exalted (exceptionally responsive)
whenever it's in Taurus, the compassionate Moon Child might pay more attention
to the importance of what occurs while the moon is full in this simpatico, sensual
earth sign. This week, Luna can smooth out the rough spots you may be experiencing
now that abrasive Mars is in your sign. Although your fan base appreciates the
bigger set of balls Mars is gifting you with, your boss or another authority figure
could take umbrage. Diplomacy, maybe dinner?


Try to spend some quality time on the road; that's where you'll benefit
the most from what you glean during the meeting between informative Mercury and
your sun ruler. It's also where you might catch a glimpse of the way your
future will unfold, i.e., which of your goals will take priority and in what direction
you'll be heading. From my experience, nothing speeds up change like taking
a trip, making the “turnaround” and coming home; it's better
than erecting relocation charts or consulting the Ouija board.


News you receive regarding something of value to you personally as your Mercury
ruler merges with the sun on the 23rd can quickly become a major asset for both
you and a significant other. The Taurus full moon could expose a wealth of resources
you have in common, as well as the feelings you share with a partner; and because
Taurus is such an earthy, sensual sign, the experience should be quite pleasurable.
Just be aware that having indulgent Venus in your sign will make Jupiter's
extravagant streak harder to resist.


Getting ready for Halloween may become a bigger, more costly deal than you anticipated.
Even though it's lodged in pragmatic Virgo, your Venus ruler could put you
in danger of succumbing to Jupiter's wildly enthusiastic plans. Going overboard
is what these two “fortunate” planets try to get away with whenever
they have a chance. However, Venus is also under the influence of unpredictable
Uranus, and so you might have a change of heart at any minute. It's one
thing to call off the party, another to be stuck with the bill. Cool it.


The folks you come in contact with during your daily rounds might play a larger
role simply because the Taurus full moon is focused on them. Even if it's
nothing or no one of major significance, you can't help but become cognizant
of the many ways they impact your life. Just be prepared to adjust your own schedule
to accommodate someone else's inability to make up his or her mind. However,
if you're celebrating a birthday, feel free to throw caution to the wind
and wrap yourself in luxury. Happy Halloween.


While a female client or an artist, one of Venus' minions, is pressuring
your Jupiter ruler, you'll either rise reluctantly to the challenge or blow
it off with a flourish. Although the cost might not be reckoned in dollars and
cents, the situation that results can wind up costing more, in time and reputation,
than you figured. Venus in hypercritical Virgo could also aggravate a tricky situation
at home. Since the residents are easily rattled, use tact when putting up Halloween
decorations or issuing invites.


Although Mercury is retrograde, its merger with the sun in your career midheaven
on the 23rd can reveal more than the notes of that meeting imply. Better not take
what you learn as the final word; after Mercury turns direct on 11/1, you'll
be presented with yet another version. These revisions can be maddening if you're
facing a deadline, e.g., Election Day, that can't be tinkered with. Since
your partner's input becomes more valuable as we approach that date, get
him or her onboard ASAP.


While not completely at the mercy of a woman with designs on your resources, you
are susceptible to her wiles. Venus opposing your Uranus ruler in your Pisces
money house suggests an unexpected expenditure is about to occur. If the goddess
persuades an experienced and trustworthy colleague of yours to apply pressure
as well, then the price you'll wind up paying can escalate dramatically.
Perhaps the best way out of this potentially explosive situation is to lose your
temper, rant and rave a bit, and let the chips fall where they may. Perhaps not.


Since idiosyncratic Uranus is in Pisces, you are as vulnerable as Aquarius is
to the machinations Venus has in mind. If it weren't for the unpredictability
Uranus brings to a situation, you would probably enjoy whatever an affectionate
partner was planning. However, if you knew beforehand that it's likely to
be expensive, as well as a lot of fun, maybe you wouldn't object if and
when a surprise is sprung. Should the mystery thicken the closer we get to Halloween,
and chances are it will, don't be frightened.

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