Tulsa Kinney

Tijuana or Bust

Gladys is taking me down a side street in TJ, a street between the avenues Revolucion and Constitucion. It‘s a pleasant day, not too hot, a soft breeze going. The street is void of the usual bustle of tourism; the shops are relatively empty. All of a sudden we’re in......
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More About Bukowski

Given the autobiographical nature of his own writings, one would think reading a biography of Charles Bukowski would be somewhat redundant. And Charles Bukowski: Locked in the Arms of a Crazy Life, by Howard Sounes, is wonderfully redundant. In this basic retelling of the author‘s libacious life, the usual suspects......

Hollywood Babble-On

In six months, no one will say "white trash" . . . it's the last racist thing you can say and get away with. -John Waters This is a public announcement: I'm sorry. I'm sorry my friend talked through the entire concert. I know it was distracting and ruined your......