Catherine Wagley

Experimental video Have You Noticed How Much Junk Food We Eat? will screen on L.A. buses this month.

"Out the Window" Brings Art to L.A. Buses

In February, artist Anne Bray took a small team of researchers into L.A.'s bus system, asking people how they felt about art. They spoke with 250 riders over a good swath of L.A.'s Metro system, which sprawls from Santa Monica past Pasadena and from Long Beach Harbor up into the......
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Turning a Negative Into a Positive

Anyone who’s mistakenly exposed a roll of film to sunlight has felt that weird push and pull between stabbing frustration — human error is a bitch — and the thrill of seeing what light can do. Those gorgeous reds and yellows that bleed across images exposed too soon to light make you......
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As Seen on TV

Marc-Olivier Wahler did title "LOST (in L.A.)," his group exhibition of French and L.A. artists at Barnsdall Park, after the television show Lost but not becaus...