Do Different Cannabinoids Result In Different Highs?

The two most widely used cannabinoids—CBD and THC—are among the 144 that have been identified and extracted from the hemp plant. Each cannabinoid gives its consumer a slightly different sensation. Do different cannabinoids result in different highs, you might be wondering. What you need to know about cannabinoids generated from hemp is provided below.

Different Cannabinoids

Numerous substances known as cannabinoids are produced by the hemp plant, the majority of which have not been found in any other plants. Even while hemp contains hundreds of these substances, only a few number are present in considerable quantities. Here are a few popular cannabinoids that hemp plants can produce:


Cannabidiol, sometimes known as CBD, is a substance that is abundant in hemp. It can also be found in the marijuana plant, however, hemp is the most common source from which it is produced. CBD is nonpsychoactive, which means it won’t make you high as THC does.

The high can be balanced when CBD and THC are used together. This implies that you might want to try CBD if you consume a lot of THC. However, CBD is available in a variety of forms, including CBG, CBN, and more, just like THC.


THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, is the molecule that causes the majority of Hemp’s psychological effects. You will be aware that this cannabinoid’s molecular structure is similar to that of CBD if you are familiar with it.

THC and CBD differ from one another, though, in the way that the molecules’ atoms are arranged. Some brain areas related to pleasure, memory, time perception, reasoning, and coordination have concentrated populations of its receptors. This is the reason why consuming THC makes you feel high.

The hemp plant contains multiple important THC variants, including Delta-9 THC, Delta-8 THC, THCV, THC-O, and THCP.

Delta-8 THC

The fact that Delta-8 THC is less strong than ordinary THC (Delta 9) is one of the greatest differences between the two. However, a psychotropic effect is still produced. It’s been described as a lot more rational experience.

This cannabis has changed the game because it does result in a psychoactive effect while yet operating inside the confines of Federal law. Nevertheless, a lot has changed in this over the past few months. We still have hope that state legislators would take note of the money it brings in or the possibilities for regulation.


Tetrahydrocannabinol Acid, or THCA, produces this cannabinoid as a byproduct. Despite being comparable to Delta-9 THC, it lacks intoxicating properties at low doses. However, ingesting large amounts of THCV will result in a distinct, energizing “high.” Additionally, THCV usually doesn’t last as long as Delta-9 THC.

The boiling point of THCV is greater than that of Delta 9 (428°F vs. 314°F), which allows people who prefer to vape THC products to turn up their device and enjoy. This is another significant distinction.

In contrast to other forms of THC, this substance boosts fullness, regulates energy metabolism, and lessens the tendency to get the munchies. You might think about switching to THCV if you have a tendency to overeat while high due to the munchies.


THC-O is quite potent on its own; in fact, it may be up to three times as potent as Delta-9 THC and five times as potent as Delta-8 THC. When mixed with other cannabinoids, though, it typically results in a pleasurable experience.

Chemically, THCA is the source of THC-O. When compared to vaping or traditional smoking, it takes a very long time for it to reach the system after being consumed. Users of THC-O describe experiencing an intense high that is contemplative and almost spiritual.

Because it is rumored to transport users to an almost alternative state more analogous to the “trips” brought on by milder hallucinogens, we enhance our Delta 8 THC rather than selling it as-is. This can greatly increase the appeal of THC-O products.


Tetrahydrocannabiphorol, generally known as THCP, is an analog of the THC found in hemp. Since this substance is thought to be 33 times more potent than Delta-9 THC, it produces a strong intoxication effect.

A typical dose of THC is roughly 10 mg, but a typical dose of THC-P is about 0.3 mg. Like THC-O, we make sure to incorporate it into a mixture of Terpenes and Delta 8 THC. Otherwise, the product would be so potent that you wouldn’t truly enjoy it.

Less Popular Cannabinoids

Less well-known cannabinoids are those that are not prominently featured. This indicates that they are either less well-known or still relatively new. Among the well-known and lesser-known cannabinoids are HHC and Delta 9 THC produced from hemp.


HHC is not true THC since it has two extra hydrogenated carbon atoms than THC does. It does originate from the Hemp plant, however other sections of the real plant are used to make it. It’s also more widely accessible than THC because it’s not the real thing.

HHC is expected to have an experience that falls between a Delta 8 and a Delta 9 level. In other words, it is typically more potent than Delta 8 but less so than Delta 9. It strikes a balance between the two cannabinoids.

Hemp-derived Delta 9 THC

Despite being around for a while, Delta 9 was only ever made from marijuana. Due to certain federal laws, it wasn’t offered nationwide for this reason. Products could not be sent over state lines in places where marijuana was legal for use or sale.

Companies quickly learned that you could make items bigger and have more Delta 9 to generate a good buzz once CBD became legal. The hitch was that hemp rather than marijuana had to be used to extract the Delta 9 substance.

The problem is that hemp produces a lot of CBD but very little THC. Therefore, since marijuana naturally produces a lot of THC, extracting it from hemp didn’t make sense in the past. Companies began to consider Delta 9 THC generated from hemp as an option after hemp became legal.

Final thoughts

The hemp plant is used to make a wide range of different items. Cannabidiol and Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the most widely used of them (CBD). However, cannabinoids like Delta 8 THC, THCV, HHC, etc. won’t be present in significant quantities. It is disassembled from the acids that are decarboxylated to produce either CBD or THC.

The main psychoactive substance that causes a head change is THC, but CBD does not. The various hemp cannabinoids do offer slightly different experiences. Additionally, the kind of high you experience is greatly influenced by the cannabinoid’s potency.

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