Craigslist, the omnipresent Internet personal sales and services site, is taking down its Erotic Services listings, following a spate of killings of men and women who had responded to Craigslist ads, reports the Minneapolis City Pages. The last of the present Erotic Services ads will expire in one week. Craigslist will create a new online entity called Adult Services, according to CBS News.

Craigslist suffered a public-relations black eye following the murders, along with mounting

allegations by state attorneys general that its Erotic Services comprised an

out of control Internet brothel, although not all victims connected with Craiglist had met their killers through Erotic Services. In 2007 Donna Jou, a 19-year-old

Rancho Santa Margarita woman, died in West Los Angeles during a date with a man she met on Craigslist. (See L.A. Weekly story.)

That same year, a young Minneapolis woman, Katherine Olson, were shot

dead responding to an ad placed with Craigslist requesting nanny

services. (See earlier story, “Caigslist Declassified.”) Other cases include so-called Craigslist Killer Philip Markoff, a Boston University medical student.

The main differences between Craigslist's old and new sex-themed listings is that Adult Services ads will

cost $10, will be vetted by Craigslist employees and will not accept

nude photographs.

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