Do you have a small penis? Is it curved? Do you suffer from erectile dysfunction due to these problems or some other reason? I’ve got the solution for you!Penis pumps are an excellent way of increasing size and making your penis look better.

Women’s expectations of penis size have changed significantly over the past few decades. Where once they were content with a man who was “average” in that department, now they want something bigger.

A recent study by the Kinsey Institute from 2015 found that 85% of American women and 75% of European women weren’t satisfied with their partner’s penis size.

In this best penis pumps review, we’ll also take a look at the top 5 best penis pumps of 2021.


What Is a Penis Pump?

A penis pump is a non-invasive device that can be used to improve the shape and size of your penis.

The pump uses suction to engorge blood vessels in the shaft, which increases penile circumference and length. The difference this makes is huge!

Penis Pumps are an excellent way to deal with curvature, small penis, and erectile dysfunction.

They provide a fast and effective solution for any of the aforementioned health issues. Perhaps best of all, they do not require surgery.

Penis enlargement pumps are the latest technology available to help improve your sexual performance and quality of life.

They work by pumping blood into the shaft of your penis, which makes the erection bigger. This, in turn, allows for increased sensation and more enjoyable long-run sex.

Ranking The Best Penis Pumps in 2021

best penis pumps of 2021

They come in many different shapes, sizes, and materials. It is important that you find a vacuum device that fits both your needs and your budget before purchasing one. When we rank our list of the best penis pumps, We chose to base the rankings on the following factors:

  1. Effectiveness
  2. Affordability
  3. Positive Customer Reviews
  4. Safety & Comfort
  5. Money-Back Guarantee
  6. Long-Term Results


1. Bathmate HydroXtreme: Overall Best Selling Penis Pump

Hydroextreme Penis Pump

Product Overview

Finding the best penis pump for you can be a daunting task. You want to make sure that the pump is easy to use and has great customer satisfaction rates, but it also gives you the most powerful erection possible.

If this sounds like what you are looking for, then look no further than Bathmate HydroXtreme.

Bathmate HydroXtreme is an ideal water-based penis pump for men ranging in length from 5 inches to 9 inches and offers 6 operating modes.

It helps men with a number of benefits, including increased self-confidence, decreased impotence, reduced chance of premature ejaculation, and increased sexual pleasure. Talking about results, it has an 89% user satisfaction rate.

These pumps also come with a 60-day money-back guarantee, so you will get a full refund if it doesn’t work out.


  • Ideal for men ranging 5-11 inches
  • Easy-to-use handball
  • 89% user satisfaction rate
  • 3-Color options
  • Certified Skin-safe
  • 6 Operating modes
  • World’s most powerful pumps
  • 60-Day money-back guarantee


  • Sold exclusively online

2. Bathmate HydroMax: Best Penis Pumps For Erectile Dysfunction

Hydromax Penis pumps

Product Overview

Bathmate is a company that specializes in water pumps. They have made it their mission to provide the best suction products for improving your penetrative sex life.

With over 1 million HydroMax units sold, Bathmate has proven itself as one of the top companies in this field.

The HydroMax model is 35% more powerful than any other vacuum device and offers a satisfaction rate of 92%. Ideal for men ranging in length from 7 inches to 9 inches.

With 5 working water-based HydroMax models and 3 color options, you can go for best.

HydroMax pump also comes with a 2-year warranty and a 60-day money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied with your purchase.


  • Over 1 million penis pumps sold
  • 35% more powerful
  • 92% satisfaction rate
  • Certified Skin-safe
  • Super-flow Latch Valve
  • 2-year warranty
  • 5 Operating modes
  • 60-Day money-back guarantee


  • Sold exclusively online

3. Bathmate Hydro7: Best Penis Pump For Beginners

Hydro Penis Pumps

Product Overview

Aiming to get a rock-hard erection and fight erectile dysfunction? With Bathmate Hydro 7 water penis pump, you can do just that.

The hydro penis pump is the best in its class with its patented water-based vacuum devices and ability to increase your erection hardness and sexual stamina.

You’ll get a larger penis size of up to 3 inches in length or more with this all-inclusive product, including a 60-day return policy if you’re not satisfied.

The only drawback is it comes in a single model, limiting size options.


  • Perfect for beginners
  • Easy to clean
  • Skin-safe medical-grade material
  • 60-Day return policy


  • Single model
  • Runs out of Stock

4. Penomet Hydropump Premium: Best Penis Pump For Peyronie’s Disease

Product Overview

For men, the issue of penis size is a big one. It affects their self-confidence and what they think about themselves. That’s why Penomet Hydropump Premium is so great.

This vacuum pump comes with handy accessories that make it easy to use and is made out of superior quality material for safety and comfort.

The hydro penis pumps are designed to provide comfort and relief from various conditions such as erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation, and Peyronie’s disease.

Penomet penis pump has CE marking on it, which means you can be assured that Penomet Hydropump will not cause any harm to your body.


  • Handy Accessories
  • Superior Quality material
  • Support CE marking


  • Sold exclusively online
  • High priced
  • Reports of Pressure leak
  • Not User-friendly

5. Penomet Hydropump Extra: Best Penis Pump For Size Gain

Product Overview

Penomet Hydropump Extra is the ultimate pump one must try once! If you are also looking for increased sexual stamina, harder erection, and decreased chance of premature ejaculation, this product is perfect for your needs.

Ideal for anyone ranging in length from 7 inches to 9 inches.

Penomet Hydropump Extra has a variety of health benefits that can help you in different ways. For example, if you are looking to increase your self-confidence and decrease impotence, this product will be perfect.

Penomet penile pump also provides relief from Peyronie’s disease, which many men suffer from but don’t know about yet.


  • Budget Friendly
  • Discreet Shipping and Billing


  • Sold exclusively online
  • Not User-friendly
  • Cause irritation and discomfort
  • Lack support accessories
  • One interchangeable gaiter
  • Lack Quick release valve
Build InVacuum Pressure Using the HandballSuper-flow Latch ValveWater Based Vaccum
Lifetime warrantyYesYesYes
Potential max length included3-9 inches3-7+ inches3-5 inches
Ideal ForExperienced UsersIntermediate Users For First time Buyers
Money-back guarantee2 YearsYesYes

How do penis pumps work?

Penis pumps have been around for decades. But what are they, and how do they work? A vacuum pump is a cylindrical hose that fits over the male genitals, with one end fitting securely over the head of the penis and another end to which air or water-based vacuum device can be attached.

When one uses a hand pump to create a vacuum by drawing warm water and air from the inside of the cylinder, this creates pressure with a rubber ring on your penis shaft and causes blood to flow into it more quickly than usual.

This leads to stronger vacuum erection, stamina during sex, and intense orgasms for men who suffer from premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or any sexual condition.

How do you use a penis pump?

The penis pump consists of :

  • A Tube
  • A Seal Ring
  • A Battery or Mechanical Powered Pump

They are among the few sex toys that require special attention while using. If you’re not careful when applying pressure, you could end up with some very unpleasant penis pump results.

To use a penis pump you need to follow few simple steps:

  1. Clear your pubic hair and place the plastic tube over your penis.
  2. Create a vacuum inside the tube using a hand pump and pressure gauge attached to the hose.
  3. Use a vacuum limiter to adjust the pressure or increase the pressure inside the pump to an optimal level.
  4. Let the blood rush into your penis, and once you have an erection, slip the constriction ring around the base of your penis.
  5. A constriction ring will help you maintain an erection by keeping the blood inside your penis.
  6. Remove the tube and enjoy a long and hard erection.

What are the benefits of a penis pump?

Add Length and Girth

They are not just good for giving your partner a happy ending; they also work to increase the length and girth of the penis.

Penis enlargement pumps are a great way of doing this, as long as you know which penis pump will work best for you.

Vacuum devices work by increasing the blood flow to make you larger than usual. Unlike any battery-powered sex toy, it is an effective method because it doesn’t require surgery, pills, or expensive treatments.

Fight Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is a common problem that affects many men. It can make it difficult to get hard enough for sex or even maintain an erection long enough during intercourse.

The penis pumping technique has been used since the early 10th-century fight ED.

Penis pumps are often recommended as one of the best ways to treat Erectile Dysfunction because they work by increasing blood flow and oxygen levels in the penis, which helps you achieve and maintain erection naturally till both partners reach their peak.

Make Your Erection Harder

The use of a penis pump helps you get and maintain an erection by increasing blood flow to your penile tissue. It also increases stamina and gives you more control over ejaculation.

They are easy to use! All you need to do is wear it for about 15 minutes, three times per week or so – depending on how often you want erections outside of sex time. What’s even better than using one at home? Or even during sex!

Boost Stamina and Self-Confidence

When it comes to sex, most men want more of it. This is why penis pumps are such a popular product.

They help you achieve the stamina and self-confidence needed for satisfying sex by boosting blood in penis blood vessels.

It doesn’t matter if you have ED or not – this device will make you feel like Superman in bed.

Help You Last Longer

Many men suffer from stamina issues. They can’t last long in bed, and they have premature ejaculation during the sexual drive.

Penis pumps are designed to help men last longer in bed by increasing stamina, erection, and delaying ejaculation.

Effective in Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease is caused by abnormal plaque buildup inside the shaft, leading to pain during erection and intercourse.

It can be treated with vacuum therapy; however, recovery from the disease is often elusive. One treatment that has been successful in treating Peyronie’s Disease is using a Penis Pump.

Can penis pumps help treating erectile dysfunction (ED)?

The question of whether penis enlargement pumps can help in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) has been asked many times.

The answer to this question is not definite, but there are some good reasons why they may be worth trying.

Erectile dysfunction(ED) is a sexual health disorder that affects many men. It’s caused by various factors, such as stress and injury to the penis.

Men use penis pumping for erectile dysfunction treatment by placing the pump over their penis and then drawing fluid from a container into the cylinder, creating a vacuum that causes a rapid flow of blood in the penis.

The whole suction process takes about 10 minutes, and it’s safe as long as you’re not pumping too much or too little pressure.

Penis enlargement pumps are considered an effective treatment of erectile dysfunction because they increase blood flow without using drugs or surgery.

What to look for when choosing a penis pump?

Buying a penis pump is not always an easy task. With so many different brands to choose from; and you have probably never used one before.

So how will an individual know which one will work best for his needs? Let me help you out with some key features that will help you go for the great.


Buying can be an expensive investment, but it is important to have the best possible product for your needs.

Each pump in the market offers a specific benefit. If you need to use the vacuum pump daily, you will want something strong and durable, usually expensive.

If you only need a pump once in a while, there are some less expensive options available!

User Friendliness

User-friendliness is an important factor in any purchase, especially when purchasing something like a penis pump, where usage will vary from person to person, and use will be ongoing over time.

Unless you are tech-savvy, no one likes too many sets and accessories for a single task.


Discretion is an important factor to consider before buying a penis pump. You don’t want it to be obvious that you own or wear it.

The last thing you want with the penis pumps is broadcasting that you are wearing a penile correction device.

If someone is looking for a treatment that can be used in public or at work, then you should find a device with high levels of discretion.


Medical grade materials ensure that the pump is safe to use and will last for many years.

Medical grade materials are skin-friendly and provide must need comfort and suction.

Using low-quality or non-medical grade material in pumps will increase your chance of infection, allergic reactions, or other complications and decrease the effectiveness of the product and shorten its lifespan.


The pump needs to fit properly over the penis so that the vacuum seal built is sufficient to force the blood inside the penis blood vessels.

There are three types of pumps: cylinder type, vacuum type, and mixed vacuum/cylinder type.

The mixed models are the most popular because they offer both scalability and suction control using a tension ring and vacuum limiter.


The durability of a penis pump is vital if you want to buy one. When it comes to the performance, quality, and affordability, longevity is key.

The most durable models are also often the best-selling ones as well. It’s important to protect your investment so that you’ll be able to use the pump for years without having any problems.

What Are The Penis Pump Types?

It is a device that creates a vacuum to increase blood circulation and improve erectile function.

It can also be used for temporary enlargement of the penis during male masturbation or intercourse, as well as for drawing out semen from the body in cases of retrograde ejaculation.

There are many different types of pumps available on the market today, so it’s important to know what they are before you make your purchase.

Air Penis Pump

Air pumps are the most innovative way to enhance your sex life. It’s not just about size, but also about performance with these devices!

These manual pumps use air that is compressed to create a vacuum, which increases blood flow and causes the penis to fill with blood.

These results delivered by air pumps in longer-lasting erections increased size and girth and heightened sexual pleasure for both partners.

Water Penis Pump

A water penis pump is a device that you use water to create a vacuum around the head of your penis. The first thing you need to do when using a water penile pump fills it with hot or warm water, depending on what temperature you prefer.

One can put his penis inside the pump (it should fit nicely) and place one hand over the top hole while using your other hand to gently press down on the bulb until there’s pressure is build up.

On basis of how pressure is build up, they are of two types of penis pump:

Manual Penis Pump

The manual pumps are one that you can use by yourself without any other equipment or devices. It has a cylinder and a plunger and is designed to create a vacuum erection for enlargement purposes.

The pressure created by the manual pump will be enough to cause a vacuum erection if the user so desires it in order to get the most out of their experience with these pumps.

Electric Penis Pump

A battery-operated penis vacuum pump is one of the latest gadgets to hit the market.

It’s a type of vacuum quick release valve that may be used for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or simply building up pressure in order to enhance sexual pleasure.

It includes a suction tube and automatic quick release valve, which creates vacuum when turned on. The vacuum created in the tube will pull blood into your shaft and create pressure.

How much does a penis pump cost?

It is not uncommon for guys these days to want a bigger penis with a harder erection. They may feel insecure about their size or are in an intimate relationship with someone who likes to play around with their partner’s body.

Regardless of why you want one, it can be hard to find out how much does it cost and what options are available.

The average price of a penis pump is $50-$200. For many men, this may seem like too much money to spend on something that only lasts a few months.

However, if a vacuum pump can help you with erection, sexual performance, and satisfaction, then it might be worth it!

Are there any side effects to using a penis pump?

Although penis pumps can be used as non-invasive sex toys, there is always a chance of a side effect when talking penis, one of the most sensitive parts of a male’s body. Take doctor’s medical advice if needed. If proper attention is not given while using a penis pump, one has to face:

Numbness or bluish-colored skin – When pumping constriction rings are placed too tight.

Pinpoint-sized red dots – Caused due to bleeding beneath the surface of the penis.

Pain and Bruising – Can cause by wrong placement and pressure.

Trapped semen – Pump constriction rings might trap the semen when you ejaculate and cause pain.

Is there anything else one can do to help increase size or improve function?

The size of your penis is something that you have probably thought about on more than one occasion.

And if you are like most men, then it had crossed your mind during a time when you were feeling insecure or stressed about the size of your package.

There are medical devices that can be used to increase penis size  and improve its function like:

Penis Extenders

A lot of men use penis extender devices like quick extender pro to increase their size and girth naturally. These devices have been used for years in the medical industry and are now available for purchase by the general public.

They use traction, which is a natural process to stimulate tissue growth.

It’s an affordable alternative for those sexual partners who can’t afford expensive surgical procedures or don’t want to go through with them at all.

Penis extenders are also more comfortable, discreet, and much easier to use on your own time for harder and longer erection.

Male Enhancement Pills

Male enhancement pills are one of the most popular treatment options for male enhancement. It has been scientifically proven to be more effective at enlarging size and girth than penis pumps.

Male enhancement pills have a few other benefits as well, such as they can be taken in the privacy of your home without anyone knowing about it, whereas going to a clinic or doctor’s office will make you feel embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Male enhancement pills also don’t come with any risks as surgery does, so there is no need to worry about possible side effects.

You all must have heard of a famous medication Viagra, an enhancement pill.

Penile Enlargement Surgery

Penile enlargement surgery is a surgical procedure that can help you gain up to 2 inches in length and 1 inch in girth.

It’s designed for men who are looking for an alternative to penile enhancement pills, penis pumps, and other battery-powered sex toys without worrying about the price it comes with.

Penile implants aren’t without risks, but the benefits may be worth it if you’re unsatisfied with your size or erectile dysfunction diagnosis makes these alternatives less effective.


You may have heard the word “jelq” before and you might be wondering what it is. Jelqing refers to a manual penis enlargement technique that has been around for many years.

It was originally used in ancient Arab cultures, but now men all over the world are using this technique to improve their size and stamina in bed.

This technique is done by using the thumb and the index finger to push blood from the base of the penis up towards the head. in one sense you can describe it as manual pumping.

There are many different techniques that can be utilized while doing this exercise, so it is best if you do some research on what will work best for you.

Review Top Pick: Bathmate HydroXtreme

Hydroextreme Penis Pump

Bathmate is the most popular choice among the young generation for a penis pump. Bathmate have been on the market since 2002, and there are plenty of reasons why it continues to be at the top of its game.

HydroXtreme penis pump can be used with utmost comfort and discretion.

The current generation of young people is looking for the best ways to satisfy their sexual desires.

With the emergence of Bathmate HydroXtreme, a penis pump that has been designed with today’s youth health in mind, more and more men are turning to this product as their first choice when it comes to satisfying their needs.

Hope this review article helps you with what you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Penis Pumps Work?

There are a lot of misconceptions about penis pump results and their effectiveness.

Many think that these devices do not work or have side effects, but there is no truth to those rumors. 

Penis water pumps are non-invasive and can provide you with the quickest results in erection and size without any discomfort.

What type of size gains can you expect?

The results vary from person to person. It depends on many factors, like if your penis is flaccid, erect and what it looked like before.

If you are going from being really small, then you can generally expect more than one inch added to the length and half-inch to the girth of your penis.

However, if you are already average-sized, then there will be less growth for sure.

How long will its effects last?

When it comes to penis enlargement, people have a few different options. The most popular of these is the hydro pumps.

With penis pumps, you can experience gains in length and girth; however, they are not permanent.

This means that as soon as you stop using your pump regularly, your progress will begin to decline until you start pumping again.

Can I buy a penis pump without a prescription?

Over-the-counter hydro pumps are sold in drug shops, novelty sex stores, and online. Because they’re not FDA approved, and they’re probably not safe or effective.

There may be potential safety concerns inside these devices.

Some OTC supplements have no FDA or other drug administration approval but may be effective in certain ways.

Are penis pumps safe?

Penis pumps are available as non-invasive and have no side effects devices. There are no unpleasant reviews till date. In fact, doctors recommend them for men who experience erectile dysfunction or want to increase the size of their penis.

A penis vacuum pump has been around since the 1800s. They work by creating a vacuum that will draw blood into the shaft of your penis if you use it correctly and regularly.

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