Rob Balchunas, a balloon artist known as “Rob The Balloon Guy,” created a life-sized balloon bull for an Orville Peck photoshoot for PAPER Magazine. Balchunas, inspired by early experiences with circus kits and a global balloon artist community, spent 15 hours constructing the bull using a technique called “weaving” for structural integrity. He describes his process as akin to building with Legos but with more creative flexibility. Balchunas advises aspiring balloon artists to experiment and use high-quality balloons.

So how does one become a balloon artist this day and age? Balchunas tells PAPER, “I twisted my first balloon dog when I was four years old. Once we got the internet, I discovered a community of balloon artists around the world, who I would eventually meet at conventions. I was able to make strong friendships with people who understood the medium I loved working with most, and I’ve been able to work on some fun collaborations with them around the world.”

Read the full story at PAPER Magazine

Photography: Brett Loudermilk