*Please note: LA Weekly does not provide medical advice and the contents of this article should not be taken as such. If you experience symptoms of a cannabis overdose, contact a medical professional right away. In case of emergency, always dial 9-1-1.

Cannabis is consumed in different ways. One of the most popular forms of cannabis is edibles. It’s tempting to try edibles. But not a lot of people know the edible dosing to start with. It does, however, depend on a few factors.

Typical Cannabis Edible Dosing and Factors

Common Factors to Consider

Those who wish to get high on edibles need to take a few factors into consideration — such as their body weight, metabolism, and tolerance. People who are heavier than average may have to take higher doses of cannabis edibles.

The rate of your metabolism can also be a factor — as the high that edibles provide can wane off quicker on those with a faster metabolism. On the other hand, those with a slower metabolism can experience the opposite.

Cannabis tolerance should also be taken into account. If you’re a frequent cannabis consumer — regardless of the method (be it via smoking, inhaling, or ingesting through other forms) — the compounds of marijuana (THC and CBD) can already be present in your system. Therefore, your cannabis edible dosing may have to be higher than the starting average.

Reasons and Goals For Getting High

Cannabis is believed to be beneficial for a number of health ailments. Whether it’s to help you unwind after a stressful day at work, or if you suffer from mild to moderate pain from a disease, there are different reasons why people wish to take cannabis edibles. The intensity of the high that cannabis can give should also be considered. Is it to calm you down? Or you won’t mind being practically glued to the couch in the next few hours?

Here’s a guideline based on an article by Leafly when it comes to edible dosing:

1 to 1.25 mg THC edible dosing

For first-time users, cannabis edible dosing should be approached cautiously. A microdose of 1 to 1.25 mg might suffice. Individuals who also seek mild but somewhat noticeable relief from stress, anxiety, and mild aches and pains can also benefit from microdosing. This should be sufficient edible dosing for those who want to feel more focused and/or creative without the “woozy” effects of cannabis.

3 to 5 mg THC cannabis edible dosing

A low edible dosing of 3 to 5 mg is the standard recreational dose. Like the effects of edible microdosing, the low dose offers the same benefits, but on a slightly more intense level. Furthermore, if you wish to sleep better, you can also go for a low dose of cannabis edibles. However, to some, this dosing can make them feel intoxicated. As such, some individuals’ muscle coordination and visual perception are impaired and altered.

10 to 15 mg THC cannabis edible dosing

Moderate cannabis edible dosing is typically reserved for people who have a high THC tolerance. This is also recommended for those who suffer from moderate to severe aches and pains. Moreover, 10 to 15 mg of THC is the standard highest dose of a single edible — be it in gummy, chocolate bar piece, or cookie form.

 20 to 30 mg THC edible dosing

20mg-30mg is considered to be a high dose of cannabis edibles. People who ingest cannabis edibles this high can feel highly euphoric. However, it can also very likely impair their coordination, perception, and judgment. Those who take this edible dosing are typically the ones who have a high tolerance for THC.

50 to 100 mg THC cannabis edible dosing

Cannabis edible dosing of 50 to 100 THC is considered to be very high. At this dosage, you can possibly feel the unpleasant side effects of cannabis — such as a racing heartbeat, nausea, and anxiety. Though typically consumed by patients who suffer from the effects of cancer, people who can tolerate this dose also ingest edibles with this much THC.

100 to 500 mg THC edible dosing

100 to 500 mg of THC edible dosing is considered to be an extremely high dose. The probability that someone will experience the side effects of cannabis is also very likely. Therefore, this is reserved for those who wish to mitigate the extreme pains that they’re dealing with. Such as those with cancer, inflammatory problems, or those who suffer from extreme and chronic pains.

Are There Dangers to Taking High Doses of Cannabis?

It’s often said that there’s no such thing as a marijuana overdose. While it’s true that nobody has been reported to have died as a result of cannabis use per se, some of the effects and side effects of marijuana can contribute to injuries and death.

Cannabis can increase a person’s heart rate and blood pressure. If you suffer from cardiovascular problems, marijuana can exacerbate your symptoms.

Marijuana is also known to make a person function similarly to being intoxicated on other more-harmful substances — such as alcohol or drugs. That’s why it’s highly discouraged for anyone to drive or operate on heavy machinery when under the influence of cannabis — it can result in injuries, accidents, and deaths.

THC is also a psychoactive compound that’s found in cannabis. When THC is introduced to your system, it can change your psychological state. Though generally reported to be positive and euphoria-inducing, some people sometimes experience a “bad trip” — it can make them feel stressed out, anxious, or paranoid. Furthermore, those who already suffer from mental health conditions that make them prone to these symptoms can even potentially experience psychosis.


Cannabis edible dosing varies per person’s physiological attributes and desired effects. Edibles are generally safe to consume and they’re widely available. However, as with most forms of marijuana, cannabis edibles can also come with side effects — especially on higher doses. If you’re not sure which edible dosing to start on, you can ask employees at your trusted cannabis dispensary. More importantly, start with a low dose — just to be safe!

*Please note: LA Weekly does not provide medical advice and the contents of this article should not be taken as such. If you experience symptoms of a cannabis overdose, contact a medical professional right away. In case of emergency, always dial 9-1-1.


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