Ruben Martinez

Highway 61 Visited

I'm riding Highway 61 and stop to buy cigs in some Iowa town along the Mississippi. These two Mexican kids ask me for a ride. They've just hopped off a boxcar on a train they thought was headed through to St. Louis. But after just sitting for several hours, they......
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Patriarch Games

Art by Santiago Uceda A woman from Latin America writes a book about the grotesquery of male-female relationships in Latin America. That book is here now reviewed by a man of Latin American descent, one who has played his role within the "patriarchy," one who is horrified by, but nonetheless......

Going Up in L.A.

It has only been a few hours, but the stain on the old couch that sits in the empty lot has already turned brown. Around it now are gathered about a dozen teenagers who stare at the dark flower spread out upon the grimy fabric.  Although it's a school day......